l Group Mental Golf Training Workshops | Positive Mental Imagery
Positive Mental Imagery

Group Workshops:

Workshop 1: Basic Mental Golf Training
Time Frame: 3 hours, 9:00am-noon or 2:00-5:00pm
Tuition: $75.00 per golfer
Materials: PMI workbook included
Content: Participants will learn basic mental skills to move into "the zone" for more enjoyment and lower scores. This workshop teaches skills for tension release such as "first tee jitters", methods for changing negative emotions and negative self-talk into positive, self-empowering attitudes and behaviors. Golfers will be taught how to use their mind-body connection for consistency in their pre-shot routines, imagery skills for increased concentration and focus, goal setting, and affirmative action plans.

Workshop 2: Mental Golf Training: Attitude & Imagery
Time Frame: 6 Hours on 1 day, or 3 hours on 2 days
Tuition: $125.00 per participant
Materials: PMI workbook, and PMI compact disc "Progressive Relaxation of the Mind and Body".
Content: Participants will learn to incorporate positive mental exercises into their golf games for lower scores and more enjoyment. This experiential workshop teaches skills for stress release, methods for changing negative emotions and beliefs and negative self-talk into positive, self-empowering attitudes and behaviors. The program is based upon concrete exercises that golfers can immediately apply to their golf games such as, pre-shot routines for consistency, imagery skills to increase concentration and focus, goal setting and affirmation action plans.

Workshop 3: Mental Golf Training: Personality & Behavior
Time Frame: 6 Hours on 1 day, or 3 hours on 2 days
Tuition: $125.00 per golfer
Materials: PMI workbook and PMI compact disc "Anxiety Release for Golf".
Content: Golfers will complete personality tests to determine their own individual behavior patterns so they will be able to successfully manage themselves on the golf course. Mental tools will be taught for releasing performance anxiety instantly on the golf course. In this program, golfers will find their own dominant sensory trait of visualization, hearing or feeling for maximum ease of learning. They will construct a lifetime golf plan to set realistic goals for success. The golfers will be taught additional exercises for sharp focus and mental concentration which results in better shot making, lower scores, and more enjoyment.

Workshop 4: Mental Golf Training: Playing Like a Champion
Time Frame: 6 Hours on 1 day, or 3 hours on 2 days
Tuition: $125.00 per golfer
Materials: PMI workbook and PMI compact disc "Confidence to Win Golf Tournaments".
Content: Participants will learn to utilize imagery techniques to change fears into productive positive images. The mental skill of modeling successful players will be taught. The golfers will be shown behavior traits of champions including association and disassociation. In this workshop, participants will discern failure and success motivations; learn goal setting imagery, course management, perfect practice and mental rehearsal skills. Participants will be shown self-hypnosis techniques for movement into "the zone" where golfers attain peak performances on the golf course effortlessly.

Contact Joan today about tailoring a program to meet your specific needs or the needs of your group. Call 828-696-2547 or email pmi4@bellsouth.net for more information or to schedule an appointment.

Here's a testimonial from Jupiter Courier Columnist's Mary Frances Holleran:
If you could improve your golf game play with ease, enjoy the game, and get rid of negative thinking-would you do it? Skeptic that I am, I sat in on Joan King's Positive Mental Imagery Workshop held at Jupiter Medical Center's Mind/Body Institute. The three hour, two-day workshop is designed to help you generate energy through your mind and body, tap into your sensory system, program positive mental images, and gives you a way to be prepared through personal course management. Did the workshop help? Well, it made a difference in my attitude and behavior on the golf course, and has very definitely helped me to relax and have fun out there. Even when I'm playing with my husband! [more]


“Having a mental sports consultant and hypnotherapist present a program on Positive Mental Imagery is an informative, enlightening and entertaining experience. Men also enjoy this program. I can personally endorse this program founded in 1992 by Joan King, CH, Master Sports Hypnotist”

-Peg Nikoden, Author TEE PARTIES, An invaluable guide for all aspects of planning golf tournaments, 2003, Minors Printing Co., Boone, NC

“One month after taking your workshop my handicap has gone down 3 strokes. I have let go of expectations, can concentrate on one shot at a time, and am more relaxed and having more fun while playing.”

-Virginia Wheeler, Amateur Golfer

“ Since taking your workshop, I have achieved my one-month goal. My handicap has gone down two strokes. I have become more relaxed and more positive in my golf game and in my ability to hit shots with each club. My shots are now on target. I take my time to do my pre-shot routine. I also feel that I am more relaxed and patient with everyday things. ”

-Arla Mertz, Country Club golfer

“ My handicap went down 4 strokes in the one month after taking your workshop. I am more relaxed on the golf course & my attitude is more positive and I am having more fun. Foremost important is how I am handling everyday challenges. My confidence level is increasing dramatically, Thank you Joan! ”

-Daniele Balit, Country Club Golfer

Positive Mental Imagery
128 Forest View Drive
Flat Rock, NC 28731
Email: pmi4@bellsouth.net