l BUILD A MOMENTUM OF CHANGE FOR YOUR GOLF GAME - Archived Newsletters - Positive Mental Golf Archived Newsletters
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Newsletter January 2025

2025 is a year of new beginnings and huge personal, social, economic, and political change. It is a time to acknowledge your greatness by letting go of your past and building a golf game and life for the future. This is a time for releasing limiting beliefs, past failures, and collective fears that have kept you from achieving your desired success.

The Core Issue

Over the years as I learned more of myself, I passed on suggestions to you for transforming your mental attitude toward yourself and your golf game. Now I want to address the core issue of what kept you from achieving your desired successes.

We have been living in a false matrix where false beliefs were programmed into us by our parents, the media, and social norms to think everything we thought was normal. We were born into a world of illusion that taught us we weren't good enough.

When something bothers you, it mirrors what is going on inside of you. Everyone has their mirrors. You have been taught to look in the mirror and see all the faults. The mirrors that disturb you the most bring you the reflections of emotional wounds that you have not healed.

If you are experiencing fear, pain, anxiety, guilt, or any other uncomfortable emotion, know that on some level you have created it and can, therefore, uncreate it if you choose to by not giving away your power. You probably ask why you would create something like that. Because you were taught certain rules to control you that caused these emotions, and you continued to hold on to them. And now, it is time to transform them into your true self that no longer needs to have them.

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I have written about affirmations, mental imagery, visualization, positive self-talk, and emotions as agents of change for getting to your true self. If that hasn't worked, it is time to look at the core issue that is keeping you from success.

The way to successful golf and successful living is by accessing peace within your mind, body, spirit. Peace is a state of being acquired by removing all the emotional irritants held in your subconscious mind. You are notified of these irritants when you are triggered emotionally to react. Do you get angry when someone talks while you are hitting? Ask yourself why. It usually triggers your low self-worth in a belief that you are being ignored or rejected.

If you are not in a positive state of being, you are still being controlled by the programming of "I'm not okay" which produces a state of failure. If you are still voicing self-deprecating comments and expecting different results, of course, that is insanity. It is a coping mechanism to keep yourself safe, so you won't have to deal with it. If you choose to think and talk about yourself differently, you must remove everything from your consciousness you have acquired that you no longer require.

Face Your Fears Fearlessly

Your greatest enemy is fear. Fear is our emotional response to misunderstandings that we have about the universe and about life itself. Fear can paralyze you and keep you from achieving your golf dreams and goals.

FEAR = False Evidence Appearing Real.

In today's world, the threats we face are less about physical danger and more about social acceptance. Fears can hinder performance, especially in high-pressure situations, like making a crucial putt to win a tournament.

Most people don't act more than 10% outside of their comfort zone, staying on the same track of sameness.  Fear keeps us from changing and moving forward. The ultimate truth is that change is the only constant in the universe.

Life is full of choices.  Most people fear making the wrong choice. To change a fear thought, feel the fear, and replace it by taking action to believe in yourself. Change requires effort.  It is much easier not to change, to stay in the fear.  To overcome a fear, you need to take a risk and make a choice to believe in success and prosperity.   

Fear of the Unknown is one of our greatest fears. Life is full of unknowns. When we keep our thoughts in the present moment, we don't allow the fear of anything that happened or heard about in the past to influence us.  If we don't allow our thoughts to move into the future and imagine the "what ifs" we don't allow anxiousness.  The "fears" that we thought might happen, often don't happen.  If it does, we are usually more prepared for it than when we were worried about its enormity.

"Fear of failure becomes the fear of success

for those who never try anything new." 

--Dr. Wayne Dyer


Alchemy is the transformation of one state of being to another. When you're emotionally triggered, you have the potential to go into shame and shut down or use the moment as an opportunity to be aware of the pain that has been hiding beneath the surface. We are all alchemists. Instead of reacting, choose differently. Choose again to transform your fears into the higher energy vibrations of self- acceptance, and love. We are electrical beings and need to update the wiring in our brains and bodies to run smoothly with love, power, wisdom.

Personal Laws of Lack and Limitation

When you are playing golf, is the voice inside your head your True Self or your False Self that you were taught, believed and react to? When you have a difficult shot, do you see it as an opportunity to use your skills and enjoy, or do you berate yourself for getting into that situation?  The latter is a negative program that takes away your power. It is a self-imposed Law of Lack and Limitation. We have been programmed in our childhood with many false beliefs about ourselves that were handed down from generation to generation.

To play in your power, you must eradicate any Laws of Lack and Limitation, outdated patterns and emotional baggage held in your subconscious mind as habits because they control your performance.  I have written many times about the negative self-talk on the golf course. Golfers use excuses to justify their self-worth but in fact they are false laws that become your False Self, and your reaction is automatically to failure. The only way to get to be a free thinker and free sovereign being is to rescind all negative laws/beliefs of self and change them into new Laws of Self-Empowerment.

To identify these limiting beliefs, you must first identify your emotional triggers. When you become aware of these fears and limiting beliefs, you can then begin to understand where they came from and to question if they are of value to you.

When golfers are having "a bad day" an example of a belief voiced to satisfy their ego is, "I guess it is going to be that kind of day." This signals a belief that you ae not in control and have given up and given your power away. 


Whether it is the game of life or the game of golf, this is your lesson to learn. You are the only one that feels the emotional triggers, knows your history, can release old patterns, beliefs and limitations that no longer serve you, and can unlock your full potential.

You are the creator of your life and your golf game. If you pay attention to what disturbs you over and over, you will discover what is holding you back from the hidden truth about yourself. Your emotional triggers are a very important part of you. Pay attention to your feelings because they come from your mindset.

Let go of all past conditioning that no longer serves you, and enjoy stepping into a more confident, fearless, self-empowering future.

Embrace the inner work and watch your golf games transform.

Play "in the zone" with Joan

Entrain Your Heart & Mind for Peak Performances 

One-on-one coaching: Call 828.707.5478, or contact Joan by email for a free consultation to learn about mental golf coaching in person, or worldwide by phone. Learn what is missing in your game so you can achieve your peak performances.

Please share this monthly mental instruction newsletter if it has been helpful to you. Forward it to your friends so they can have more fun playing the game of golf while lowering their scores. Link to www.pmi4.com to download previous PMI mental golf newsletters from 1999-2025 on the Archived Newsletter page https://cutt.ly/kwMY2jXt

If you have a question or need help with your mental game, email Joan at pmi4@bellsouth.net   Also, please share how this website information has helped improve your golf game.

To unsubscribe or change info:  If you no longer want to receive this newsletter, or if you want to change the address to which it is sent, please reply with "unsubscribe" or the details to "change subscription" to pmi4@bellsouth.net

"THE HEART OF GOLF, Access Your Supreme Intelligence for Peak Performances" explores and explains negative emotions such as fear and performance anxiety, the four Cs of mind blockage, the four progressive stages of learning the supreme intelligence of the heart, and the way to access the zone in competition. It is a player's guide for developing your true inner self by returning to the joy and love of self instead of seeking praise and rewards from the outside world.




This guidebook for transforming your life and golf game available at


All royalties will be donated to junior golf.





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Positive Mental Imagery
128 Forest View Drive
Flat Rock, NC 28731
Email: pmi4@bellsouth.net