In last month’s PMI June 2024 newsletter, I explained why we haven’t been able to achieve the success we know we are capable of in our adult years. I had a big response from golfers who related their lives to this article. This month I would like to explain further why childhood programming is still controlling your lack of success, and the steps to change what is not working for you.

The most purchased CD I produced is ”Fearless Golf” which indicates to me that golfers have fears of unworthiness playing this game when it should be fun. When you are born there are only two fears that are innate and hardwired in your brain to keep you safe. They are the fear of falling and the fear of loud noises. Any other fear you have created as real and strengthened every time you think of it. Whenever you are triggered, angered or feel unworthy, these reactions are signals, accurate mirrors attempting to point out what you are in denial about believing. Choose to see these situations as wake-up calls inviting you to look within yourself.

When you were told in your formative years that you weren’t good enough, it didn’t feel good. So, you covered it up or repressed it so you wouldn’t feel like that again. That is the core issue that is still running in your subconscious mind. On the golf course it surfaces as the feeling of fear of not being able to accomplish what you desire. To achieve success, you need to get to the core issue when this feeling of unworthiness comes up.

As a child no one listened to you. And they did things to you that you may not have had control over. As a little child you developed strategies so you could be accepted. You may be an adult now and still working from that survival imprint that will come through and surface into your physical performance.

Your mindset is your way of thinking how you view yourself and your golf game and life. Your mindset can also create self-imposed limitations within your own belief system. Are you still thinking with the beliefs instilled in your childhood? The inner child is the part of your mind that stores all emotional experiences from childhood.

The Inner Child is the part of you that holds your memories, that feels your feelings. Without your awareness it may be calling the shots in your decision-making. Working with this part of yourself is a way of examining the source of your choices and evaluating whether they are coming from outdated, unexamined beliefs that are not delivering the best quality of life for you. You can now replace those old self-sabotaging beliefs with new self-affirming beliefs.

Thinking vs. Feeling

The difference is between thinking and feeling. Golf is an inner game. It is an inner search for Self. Golf will teach you who you are through your feelings. That is where the inspiration is – in your heart. It is the driving force to discover loving yourself enough to enjoy every shot and every opportunity to create that wonderful feeling. You have had this power all along, but you listened to another way and were distracted from your inner knowing.

What is keeping you from achieving that blissful feeling? Somewhere along the way of learning to play golf, you were distracted from the happy, fun emotions that made you feel good. They were replaced with thoughts of what to do, how to do it, and fears of not obtaining what you want. Your mental ego took over and your mind became centered on constantly learning all the mechanics of the swing in the hope that a perfect swing would give you success. Instead, you became anxious about your scores and fearful of the golf course. Because of our beliefs we are unaware of the hidden beliefs we have been thinking for 40-50 years that are controlling us.

What do we need to do to change this old childhood programming?

Steps to remove negative limiting core beliefs

  1. Be aware that what annoys you is an old pattern that keeps coming up over and over. I don’t need it anymore.
  2. The emotional belief must be changed. Be willing to let go of the programming. Don’t give the situation your power. I don’t need to feel this way anymore.
  3. Love yourself for your individuality. It’s okay to be different. We are all different.
  4. Let the old patterns go that don’t allow you to be who you are. There is nothing more I want to feel about this (failure) experience.
  5. Forgive yourself for keeping the programming going. To forgive is to let go. I do not desire to have this feeling, this pattern, this (self-sabotaging) experience ever again.
  6. Forgive everyone else who wanted you to be that way. This wipes the slate clean. I won’t let them have my power anymore.
  7. Create a new loving program of yourself using feelings from your heart. I love, trust, have fun with my golf game.
  8. Reinforce the new program daily.

To forgive is to let go

Forgiveness is about the feeling in your process for things to be different. Forgiveness is how to remove the feeling of low self-worth or powerlessness. That is an old picture of your life, but for some reason it is still in your unconscious. Like your computer, it will keep in running until you delete it and change the programming. First, you must let the unworthiness belief go to give you a clean space to put in a new self-affirming program. Once you have forgiven yourself, you must forgive everybody else who wanted you to be that way. Don’t let them have your power anymore. And don’t give the situation your power. It’s all your own creative power.

Know that whatever feelings you produce are created by you from your experiences. What produced the feeling? Is it yours? Or is it something you believe that is constantly promoted by society. Is competition to be the best feeding your ego or is it false programming to prove to the outer world that you are something you are not. Anytime you can think in terms of not being, you are feeding the ego as a defense mechanism to protect yourself. The child has to be taught to cover up their feelings of joy, self-worth, and being their true self to adapt to the rules laid down by society and the authority figures in their life Is there any difference between a mother yelling at her child in a grocery store to stop crying (because she is embarrassed) or you getting angry at yourself for missing a shot. In either case, the basic needs for love are not met.

To be successful at golf and life you need to have your mind, body and spirit in balance. When you are in the zone, that is what is occurring. You have allowed your mind energy to move into a higher state of energy known as the heart’s love energy. Love energy produces the euphoric feeling of what we call the zone state of being. What keeps you from being in this state is not allowing your mind to let go of all the rules and programming that have conditioned your behavior up to this point. Allow yourself to feel. Let go of the competitive need to win and just enjoy the experience. We all know we play at our peak performance level when we are in the zone state. Why keep yourself from this enjoyment?

Trust Your Intuition

Intuition is a feeling that comes from your heart when you know the answer without conscious reasoning. It is the sudden alignment of neural pathways. It is what you feel or sense in your gut. Intuition is when you are guided by a feeling instead of overthinking or overanalyzing. Trust and believing in your intuition, your gut sense, will transform your game.

You were born with intuition. You don’t have to think about how you know, you just know. It is estimated that 90 percent of percent of people overthink their decisions. Think of what that means for all the decisions you are making during a round of golf. Using your intuition can keep you from making all kinds of mental errors.

You have the ability to sense/feel your intuitive knowing before consciously thinking. Trusting your intuition is one of the most important things you can do while playing the game of golf.

Make peace with yourself. Use your intuition to trust yourself as all different aspects of the game change. Everything is simplified into now, and now is the only thing we need to trust.

Play “in the zone” with Joan

Entrain Your Heart & Mind for Peak Performances

 One-on-one coaching: Call +1-828.707.5478, or contact Joan by email at for a free consultation to learn about mental golf in person, or worldwide by phone. Learn what is missing in your game so you can achieve your peak performances.

Please share this monthly mental instruction newsletter if it has been helpful to you. Forward it to your friends so they can have more fun playing the game of golf while lowering their scores. Link to to download previous PMI mental golf newsletters from 1999-2024 on the Archived Newsletter page  

To train your brain for improving and trusting your short game, listen to the Positive Mental Imagery self-empowering guided imagery self-hypnosis CDs/MP3s in the privacy of your own home. Eight different empowerment audios are available at

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“THE HEART OF GOLF, Access Your Supreme Intelligence for Peak Performances explores and explains negative emotions such as fear and performance anxiety, the four Cs of mind blockage, the four progressive stages of learning the supreme intelligence of the heart, and the way to access the zone in competition. It is a player’s guide for developing your true inner self by returning to the joy and love of self instead of seeking praise and rewards from the outside world. This guidebook for transforming your life and golf game is available at   All royalties will be donated to junior golf.





 For over 30 years I have been writing about disempowering/false beliefs that golfers have about their performance on the golf course and how to change them. If these keys have not worked, it probably is because you haven’t healed your Inner Child of false emotional programming.

What is the Inner Child? 

Your Inner Child is the part of your mind that stores all your emotional experiences from your childhood. It is playful, intuitive, and creative. Without our awareness, it may also be instrumental in making decisions from outdated, unexamined beliefs that are not producing the results we desire. As a child we made decisions so we would feel safe and accepted.

What happened in your childhood that could be affecting you now? Everything you are now is created by your past experience. As a little child you developed strategies so you could survive. As an adult, you may still be acting from that survival imprint. We tend to hold on to our childhood beliefs because it gives us comfort. We don’t know what would happen if we were to do something different. We don’t like change because the results are unpredictable and fearful.

Did you ever blame someone for your missed shot? Perhaps it was someone who was talking while you were hitting?  When you get angry and blame someone, or something outside of you, you give away your power. Your belief then is that everything outside of you is happening to you, and you are powerless.

Most of us suffered some sort of emotional trauma in our early childhood years. You probably don’t remember, and if you do, you probably blocked the memory of it. Emotional wounds are recorded in our unconscious minds and can affect our adult functioning years later. In our childhood we tend at all personal cost to do what we are told so we can remain safe and a member of our family unit and not be alone in the world.

As the twig is bent, so grows the tree

Throughout your entire lifetime, and especially during your earlier childhood years, you were told over and over again what you could not do, many more times than what you could do. During your first five years you were told no 30,000 times more than yes, 100,000 times by the time you were 15. You were told you were wrong more often than you were told you were right. You were criticized more often than you were praised. You heard the word don’t more often than the word do, and so on ad infinitum.

Criticism leads to guilt which is the precursor to perfectionism.

As a child, teenager, and young adult, you were warned hundreds of times of the dangers in every physical activity which included running, jumping, climbing, sliding, balancing, throwing catching, rolling, swinging, etc. You were told you will hurt yourself, break an arm, break a leg, fall, trip, bang your head, scrape a knee, etc. This kind of negative programming produces the very mindset that invites the injuries they were striving to avoid. It prevents the development of your natural neuro-muscular potential.

In this way we were all conditioned to limit ourselves. In the circuses, baby elephants were chained from birth so they cannot run away. When they are grown, the chain is taken off and they never stray because they have been programmed to believe they cannot move. Similarly, we chose to act in a certain limited way to avoid being punished or rejected. Are you being held back by outdated childhood beliefs that no longer serve you? Are you avoiding trying something new because of a limiting belief? Are you being held back by someone else’s limiting beliefs?

The child learns that there is something wrong with him/her and learns early on that when a parent or teacher or other trusted authority figure says you do something wrong, you need to be punished because you are bad. Hearing these messages over and over, they are programmed into your subconscious mind and it takes on the role of the authority figure even after those people are gone. Thus, your self-sabotage takes over. And your self-worth is constantly challenged. Remember that your unconscious mind records everything literally, just like the computer. Garbage In Garbage Out.  It stores everything you think, feel, your memories, your skills, your fears, your likes and dislikes, and all experiences in your life. Just like your computer, those records will stay there until they are deleted or reprogrammed.

If you don’t have a safe place to return to inside of you, it causes anxiety. I believe Jack Nicklaus and Phil Mickelson were raised in a safe environment. They were affirmed as children and learned early that there was no limit to what they could accomplish.

If you aren’t as successful on course as you desire, now is the time to truly face your fears from your childhood and release them. Let go of all acquired limitations you might be holding on to. Get to a place where your habits are only good ones that support your desires and you have removed all the ones that sabotage your wishes for success. Do not act upon feelings of fear, or a lack in the future. Whatever is happening in your internal world is reflected in your external world. You will know what these fears are when you are triggered by emotions of fear, anger, blame, frustration.

Jack Nicklaus was quoted as saying, “You can win tournaments when you’re mechanical, but golf is a game of emotion and adjustment. If you’re not aware of what’s happening to your mind and your body when you’re playing, you’ll never be able to be the very best you can be.”

The mindset that got you to where you are today, is not the same mindset that will get you to where you want to go.

For example, if your parents programming was an addiction to perfection and required it of you, you would try to be perfect to please them so you would be accepted and loved. What is internalized is that the child’s worth is only as good as their performances. It is time to look at how this habit interferes with your golf game. Golf is not a game of perfection. It is a challenging game of managing human imperfection. There are many ways to play at your personal best without perfection. It is then up to you now to choose whether you wish to be controlled by this childhood desire to be perfect (for the wrong reason), or to delete it from your memory bank and play in the moment (without fear) as your inner child truly desired.

What is the Inner Game of Golf?

The inner game of golf is made up of the mental beliefs you have in yourself and your abilities that surface in your performances on the golf course.

The mental game includes learning the skills to decrease the mental interferences that keep you from playing at your peak performance levels. You reach your peak performance levels when you become aware only of what you are experiencing in the present moment. Then you are playing the game.

Accessing this awareness comes from relaxing your mind for the total focus needed to hit the shot/putt. To relax and focus on playing the game, you must overcome the interference of fears such as failure, embarrassment, worry, anxiety, self-doubt, negative attitudes, and outdated beliefs. Fear keeps you from moving forward toward success. Fear keeps you in the “victim energy” feeling powerless. If you use the time in-between shots to think of failing, it is time to release the inner critical voice in your head and replace it with the goodness of your inner Self.

You must get to a place where your habits are created only by you to support your desires, and you have removed all the ones that sabotage your wishes for success. Let go of other people’s rules and create your own that reinforce your own true self.

Play “in the zone” with Joan

Entrain Your Heart & Mind for Peak Performances

 One-on-one coaching: Call +1-828.707.5478, or contact Joan by email for a free consultation to learn about mental golf in person, or worldwide by phone. Learn what is missing in your game so you can achieve your peak performances.

Please share this monthly mental instruction newsletter if it has been helpful to you. Forward it to your friends so they can have more fun playing the game of golf while lowering their scores. Link to to download previous PMI mental golf newsletters from 1999-2024 on the Archived Newsletter page

To unsubscribe or change info:  If you no longer want to receive this newsletter, or if you want to change the address to which it is sent, please reply with “unsubscribe” or the details to “change subscription” to

“THE HEART OF GOLF, Access Your Supreme Intelligence for Peak Performances explores and explains negative emotions such as fear and performance anxiety, the four Cs of mind blockage, the four progressive stages of learning the supreme intelligence of the heart, and the way to access the zone in competition. It is a player’s guide for developing your true inner self by returning to the joy and love of self instead of seeking praise and rewards from the outside world.

This guidebook for transforming your life and golf game is available at  All royalties will be donated to junior golf.


The challenge for golfers is to make the game as consistent as they can through mental and physical understanding and training. Is your pursuit fun or frustrating?

Life and golf are natural processes of ebbs and flows, ups and downs. Life and golf constantly present challenges for us to learn and grow. Everything that occurs, that has occurred, is occurring, and will occur in the future is the outward physical manifestation of your innermost thoughts, choices, ideas, and determinations about who you are and who you choose to be.

Golf is a metaphor for life because it has the same perpetual challenge of not being able to achieve perfection. The only constant is change. Every golfer who has experienced their peak performance wonders what happened when they couldn’t sustain that level of great play. As your golf game improves, the lows of the cycles will be shallower, and the highs will be greater. When your game is at low ebb, that is the time when you are challenged to grow, to learn more and to move toward greater improvement and bigger successes.

We see the world as we perceive it. Your perception determines whether you see a four-foot putt for par as easy or as scary. Your success on the golf course and in your daily life is determined by the way you perceive and handle the challenges, frustrations, excitement, failure, and success. Your golf game reflects your inner self. It mirrors the way you deal with performance anxiety, pressure, honesty, and responsibility. The game will show you how disciplined, focused, relaxed and in control you really are when it counts.

While some golfers have more athletic ability than others, every person can benefit from developing mental skills to improve their lives and their golf games. Some of the organizational skills for quality of life and improved golf are goal setting, discernment, adopting positive attitudes and beliefs, relaxation techniques, decision making, and enjoying life/golf in the moment.

When you hear yourself repeating a negative thought from your past, change the thought in your mind to a positive one. Golfers play golf because it is a challenge. Challenge yourself to change your limiting beliefs and behavior to achieve the success you desire. Use the feeling that comes up as a cue for you to know if you are worried about people or course conditions that you cannot control. Replace your limiting thoughts with positive, constructive ones.

For example, if you are anxious on the first tee and usually miss your tee shot because people are watching you, change your thinking to: “I let go of everything outside of me by letting it become fuzzy. I can focus clearly on seeing my target. I feel my swing tempo. I concentrate on my pre-shot routine to prepare my mind. My first tee shot is easy because I use the club in my bag with the biggest head. It is easy. It is fun. I can tee it up and sweep through it. I love to hit the first shot of the day.”

To reinforce these thoughts, prepare in advance by using mental imagery. Begin by putting yourself in a relaxed state by breathing deeply and releasing all mental and physical tension from your body. Create in detail in your mind the first hole. Mentally create the fairway, trees, bunkers, and yourself on the first tee. Notice that you are affirming your good tee shot with the messages above. Observe yourself breathing deeply to become relaxed and centered. See yourself going through your physical and mental pre-shot routine. See yourself hitting your very best tee ball (from your past experience) by visualizing and feeling your own smooth, easy, effortless swing. See the ball land on the fairway where you planned.  Feel the emotion of happiness and success.

Believe in your Self

Regardless of whether you are playing golf now, or not, this is a good time to reflect and decide how you can improve. We are responsible for creating our lives. A good place to start is with a mental training program to improve your life and your golf game.

Tiger Woods has accomplished what he has because he has beliefs in his head that other people don’t.

Tiger seems to have an aura of calm and composure on the golf course only interrupted by his fist-pumping enjoyment of success, and momentary bouts of unexpected disappointment.  Overall, he seems to be immune to the pressure and anxiety and other forms of interference on the golf course.  He attributes much of his mental strength to his Thai heritage and Buddhism. His mother taught him the Buddhist philosophy of letting life happen, rather than the Western way of trying to make it happen.

Tiger’s father taught him what he had learned from his psychological training as a Green Beret. He taught him how to take the conscious mind out of the performance of a task and move into the subconscious mind. Tiger said, “I have learned to trust the subconscious, and my instincts have never lied to me.”  When you are playing at your peak levels, you are also trusting your game to your subconscious mind and allowing your swing to happen automatically.

When you were learning the mechanics of the golf swing, motor skill by motor skill, you had to think about how to do it. Now trust and move from the analytical thinking process into the swing that is more of a reflex action. This is the way you learned to drive a car. After you had learned to drive the car, you no longer thought about your foot on the gas and brake pedals or your hands on the steering wheel. You were then only concerned with reacting to the road.

The more you practice it in your mind using your senses of feeling, seeing, and trusting, the more automatic it will be. Here are three ways to practice mental skills for an automatic swing.

  1. Practice seeing, feeling, and hearing your golf swing in your mind. Hear the solid contact of the club striking the ball. Hear the dynamic whooshing sound the shaft makes as it moves through the air. Listen to the rhythm of the entire swing. Feel the easy, fluid tempo of the club moving through the entire arc. Feel your body and club moving in harmonious synchronization.
  1. Swing a club indoors or outdoors without a ball, feeling and sensing the rhythm, tempo and feel of the swing. Close your eyes and swing the club while noticing the feel of your body, your balance, and the movement of the club. Give yourself one swing key to anchor your good swing.
  1. Practice your pre-shot routine in your mind until it becomes an imprint in your unconscious mind. Then physically practice it indoors until you can repeat it without thinking. Having a repeatable pre-shot routine that you don’t have to think about will give you the consistency you desire.

Like Tiger, you can improve your performance by practicing in your mind away from the golf course. Set aside ten to fifteen minutes a few times every week to practice your golf swing, your pre-shot routine and mentally playing your golf course.

The only place you can practice perfectly is in your mind.

You can do this easily by repeatedly listening to PMI guided imagery self-hypnosis CD’s/MP3s in the privacy of your own home. Order them now at  Program your mind with your best intention of what you want to believe about your golf game. Train your brain so you can swing the same on the golf course as on the practice tee.

Play “in the zone” with Joan

Entrain Your Heart & Mind for Peak Performances 

One-on-one coaching: Call 828.707.5478, or contact Joan by email for a free consultation to learn about mental golf coaching in person, or worldwide by phone. Learn what is missing in your game so you can achieve your peak performances.       

Please share this monthly mental instruction newsletter if it has been helpful to you. Forward it to your friends so they can have more fun playing the game of golf while lowering their scores. Link to to download previous PMI mental golf newsletters from 1999-2024 on the Archived Newsletter page

If you have a question or need help with your mental game, email Joan at   Also, please share how this website information has helped improve your golf game.

To unsubscribe or change info:  If you no longer want to receive this newsletter, or if you want to change the address to which it is sent, please reply with “unsubscribe” or the details to “change subscription” to

“THE HEART OF GOLF, Access Your Supreme Intelligence for Peak Performances explores and explains negative emotions such as fear and performance anxiety, the four Cs of mind blockage, the four progressive stages of learning the supreme intelligence of the heart, and the way to access the zone in competition. It is a player’s guide for developing your true inner self by returning to the joy and love of self instead of seeking praise and rewards from the outside world.

This guidebook for transforming your life and golf game available at

All royalties will be donated to junior golf.



April 6, 2024 Saturday at Augusta National Golf Club 

In the final round of the Augusta National Women’s Amateur (ANWA). University of Southern California (USC) 19-year-old freshman Bailey Shoemaker started the day four shots back of the leader, Lottie Woad, 20-year-old sophomore at Florida State. Shoemaker posted a bogey free course record 6 under 66 to take the lead in the clubhouse with the lowest final round in ANWA history. She then had an interminable wait to see if her score of 7 under would be the winner.

Lottie Woad never gave up. Her birdie putt on 16 to tie didn’t drop. She birdied 17 to tie Shoemaker at 7 under. As is often the case, the winner was determined by the last putt. Woad dropped a 15-foot birdie putt on 18 to win the championship by one stroke at 8 under par for a come from behind victory. Her plan to attack the final round worked in scoring three-birdies in the last four holes for a 3-under 69 birdie-birdie finish. “Good for her, especially under pressure, knowing she had to do it. That’s amazing,” said Shoemaker. 

April 7, 2024 Sunday at Augusta National Golf Club

Eighty girls and boys ages 7 to 15 participated in The Drive, Chip and Putt National Finals held at the Tournament Practice Facility with the putting competition on the 18th green of Augusta National.

It was exciting to watch tiny 7-9 year-old girls drive the ball over 150 yards, and everyone in this division hit the fairway with both of their tee shots! In the Boys 7-9 group the winner drove the ball 209.5 yards into the fairway. The winning drive in the girls 13-15 age group was 264.5 yards in the fairway! In this division the top four girls drove the ball over 257 yards!

Listening to the youngsters talk about how they won was a litany of perfect mindsets for success. And each of the contestants received acknowledgement of their efforts with a parental hug.

Kipp Madison of Evans took the boys 12-13 division. He said the 18th green was like putting on glass. “You just need to be positive, even when you hit a bad shot because you can hit one bad shot and think there’s no way I can make it now,” he said. “You can always make it, you might just have to a do little bit better on other shots and just let the ball get to the hole. Don’t force it in. Just let it ride. It’s so fast, it’s so quick. The chipping, whatever club you’ve been practicing with, definitely use that club.” 

April 7, 2024 Sunday at the Valero Texas Open

Akshay Bhatia led the Texas Open by four shots over Denny McCarthy going into Sunday’s final round. McCarthy was six shots back when he started his back nine on the TPC San Antonio golf resort course. He birdied 8 of the 9 remaining holes including the last 7 in a row to card an amazing back nine 28 to shoot 9-under 63. It would have been his first win on the PGA Tour.

And then Bhatia sunk a 12-foot putt on the 18th green to tie and force a play-off. On the first play-off hole Bhatia hit his wedge within six feet and sunk the birdie for the victory. With this win, he earned the last spot in this week’s Masters’ 89-player field. Ten years ago in 2014, as a 12-year-old, Bhatia was a finalist in the Drive, Chip & Putt competition. He will be the first alum to return to play in the Masters.

“I’m just going at my own pace, focusing on myself, keeping the blinders right in front of me. I look at that all the time because you can get caught up in a lot of things out here” he said. “If I’m just kind of doing my own thing and trying not to let outside stuff bother me, then I just can focus on myself and whatever the outcome is, it is.” 

What do you believe?

The ability to focus your mind is all-important in achieving a successful performance. You will get what you focus on, but you must believe that what you desire is possible.

For most people, concentration constantly shifts from outside you between shots to inside you for the actual shots. Watching an engrossing movie, your attention is focused only on the action. In the same way, executing your golf strategy, or planning a golf shot can be just as engrossing. Being completely engrossed in the process of performing a shot is known as being in the “flow” or “in the zone” where peak performances occur.

Play “in the zone” with Joan

Entrain Your Heart & Mind for Peak Performances

Please share this monthly mental instruction newsletter if it has been helpful to you. Forward it to your friends so they can have more fun playing the game of golf while lowering their scores. Link to to download previous PMI mental golf newsletters from 1999-2024 on the Archived Newsletter page

If you have a question or need help with your mental game, email Joan at   Also, please share how this website information has helped improve your golf game.

To unsubscribe or change info:  If you no longer want to receive this newsletter, or if you want to change the address to which it is sent, please reply with “unsubscribe” or the details to “change subscription” to

“THE HEART OF GOLF, Access Your Supreme Intelligence for Peak Performances explores and explains negative emotions such as fear and performance anxiety, the four Cs of mind blockage, the four progressive stages of learning the supreme intelligence of the heart, and the way to access the zone in competition. It is a player’s guide for developing your true inner self by returning to the joy and love of self instead of seeking praise and rewards from the outside world.

This guidebook for transforming your life and golf game is available at

All royalties will be donated to junior golf.





February is the month of love. The feeling of love comes from your heart. The feeling of hitting a perfect golf shot resonates in your heart. Discounting that feeling by judging the result keeps you in your thinking mind.

When you love something, you don’t have expectations. You just enjoy the experience.

It took Billy Joel 30 years to regain his love of song writing to produce a new song this year. Find your joy and resultant success now by loving to play golf.

Golfers experience this feeling of love on the golf course when they let go of trying to make things happen, stay in the present moment, and experience the joy of being “in the zone.”

Love is who you are. Whenever we disengage the great filter called “self” and lose ourselves in play, we shift our focus from survival pursuits into larger patterns of connection with unlimited possibilities.

Love is a state of peace inside where you are focused in the moment. There is no worry, fear, doubt, indecision, humiliation, feelings of self-doubt, unworthiness, inferiority, or superiority.  Any impulse to aggressively control your game will move you into these feelings of self-judgment.

When you let go of judgment and evaluation, what is left is awareness. Awareness is the key to all change. Develop your awareness by using your imagination and intuition to discover your authentic self.

Love is a force. It is also the pure essence of being. Even after you have stopped playing golf, you will remember with feelings of love the experiences you had that were so exhilarating. We know with our minds. We believe with our hearts. When you play from your heart, you are free and your possibilities are limitless, especially when you least expect them.

Your life and your golf game are miracles waiting to be fully explored and discovered. Only an open heart can unlock the treasures that wait for you. Love is what makes the world go around. Love is what makes life worth living. Love is the feeling of the utmost high. To play golf well is to love playing golf.

Self-Judgment of Lack & Limitation

One of the mental keys for successful golf is to let go of self-judgment. When you think about how you are doing, or how to do it, you are judging yourself, and your performance under the guise of helping your game. When you judge yourself, you are likely to feel anxious, guilty, embarrassed, or angry. These feelings will ultimately sabotage your golf game, lower your self-esteem, and keep you from being successful.

In the rounds of golf where you are in the zone and everything seems to flow in perfect order, your heart rhythms, blood pressure, and brain waves are entrained, or in sync. When you have a passionate love for what you are doing and are playing at your peak performance level, you have bypassed the fears of the ego.

The power to do this is in the heart. By activating feelings of the heart, you gain powerful insights that we call intuition, or inner wisdom. You intuitively know what to do.

Your mission is to discover and embrace the real you, not the person you think you must be to be loved or accepted. Your hopes and dreams are waiting for you. Claim what your heart already knows and turn your dreams into reality. Love is the intuitive knowledge of our hearts. Love is what we were born with. Fear is what we learned about limiting our belief in ourselves. When we release the self-limiting and self-sabotaging thoughts, we free our minds and can return to love.

Change Your State from Fear to Love

Everything in the universe is connected by love. We are disconnected by fear.

By 1965 Arnold Palmer had fallen into a prolonged slump. He said, “I suddenly got to worrying about disappointing everyone. For the first time in my life, I guess I was afraid.”

You will have your share of heartache on the golf course, but it doesn’t have to be negative. See it as another vitally important experience that is useful to learn from. Then bring your awareness back to your heart to remember why you love to play this intriguing and seductive game.

Every thought and emotion you have produces chemicals and affects your central nervous system. When you are frustrated on the golf course and your body produces adrenaline, there is an easy way to use imagery to bring your state back to peace and calm. All you need to do to access this state is to move your thinking from your head to your heart. Holding the feeling of love for thirty seconds will balance your hormonal system.

To change your state and move into your heart, think about someone or something you love. For example, think about your pet. Imagine your pet giving you its unconditional love by jumping up and down, being excited to see you, licking you and wanting to play with you. With this easy imagery, your heart is filled with love, and the frustration you experienced moments ago dissipates.

When golf becomes too serious, the fun vanishes from your game because it is no longer just a game. Examples of this would be wanting to beat your opponent or to shoot your lowest score. The research about being in the zone/flow state shows that the fun is gained from the pure purpose of experiencing the game. If your motivation to play is dependent upon the prizes or praise, and you don’t get them, your amount of enjoyment fluctuates depending upon how many external rewards you receive.

You have probably experienced the separation of mind and body and heart and called it indecision or doubt. It is when you know in your heart you want to choose a certain club, and your rational mind talks you out of it.

You will be creating at your highest level when the electrical patterns of your heart and mind are entrained. This is done by creating positive attitudes and beliefs in your mind and by feeling emotions of love and fun and in your heart.

Remember why you love the game of golf. All great athletes play their sports from their hearts. They “know” how to enjoy using their talent and skills to perform for their own enjoyment. In their hearts they “believe” they deserve to be the best and win. Use your imagination to visualize and feel yourself enjoying playing at your personal best.

Being in the flow or zone happens when a golfer is totally engrossed in the process of playing. Happiness is experienced in the heart, not in the circumstances. The fun happens when the golfer’s mind and heart are entrained in the challenging activity that matches the person’s skills. You forget about yourself and are one with the feeling of euphoria that comes from being in love with playing the game. The mystery is then solved, and you want the feeling and game to go on forever!

Play “in the zone” with Joan

      Entrain Your Heart & Mind for Peak Performances

Additional newsletters on all aspects of the mental golf game are available on the Positive Mental Imagery website at Archived Newsletters.

To train your brain for improving and trusting your short game, listen to the Positive Mental Imagery self-empowering guided imagery self-hypnosis CDs/MP3s in the privacy of your own home. Eight different empowerment audios are available at

If these golf tips are of value to you and you would like to improve your mental golf game, call Joan for a complimentary 15-minute consultation. She can be reached by phone at 828.707.5478, by email at or through the Positive Mental Imagery website or blog.

“THE HEART OF GOLF, Access Your Supreme Intelligence for Peak Performances explores and explains negative emotions such as fear and performance anxiety, the four Cs of mind blockage, the four progressive stages of learning the supreme intelligence of the heart, and the way to access the zone in competition. It is a player’s guide for developing your true inner self by returning to the joy and love of self instead of seeking praise and rewards from the outside world.

This guidebook for transforming your life and golf game is available at

All royalties will be donated to junior golf.



Welcome to January 2024, the beginning of the New Year and a fresh start to your life and your golf game. 2023 was a challenging year for just about everybody on our planet. As golfers we are fortunate to participate in a sport that gives us relief from the drama and chaos to focus instead on something we enjoy doing.

Now is the time for reviewing your intentions and accomplishments during the past year. It is also a time to identify your goals and the possibilities to move you forward for the success you desire in the coming year. Studies show that setting goals increases your chances for success. For information on setting good golf goals, go to and click on for Archived Newsletters January 2011.

If this is the “off-season” golf time for you, it is your opportunity to look forward and create a new vision of the golfer you want to become. It is the perfect opportunity for a new beginning to develop the golf game you have dreamed of that will pay the most dividends for you.

Making New Year’s resolutions is a tradition where a person makes a promise to take action for self-improvement. We all know that New Year’s resolutions don’t last very long. One of the reasons for failure is by setting unrealistic goals, and not keeping track of your progress. Resolutions are formed and controlled in your conscious mind. It is called will power. Your resolution lasts only as long as you are thinking about it. Peak performances in golf aren’t a matter of will or strength in your mental game as many would have you believe. Being in control of your golf swing is a matter of trusting the training you have done, and then allowing your subconscious mind to respond to that programming.

Where to start to improve?

 Self-improvement always begins by going within. There must be a balance between your belief in yourself and your physical golf game. Honest reflection of self can only be done if your mind is not consumed with fear, anxiety or negative thoughts. These kinds of belief codes keep you locked in moving away from what you truly desire. Create new belief codes by letting go of thoughts that keep you attached to failure and the lack of success in the past. Change your thoughts, words, intentions, actions, and emotions to positive ones linked to success. Then the fears associated with failure and embarrassment will vanish. To change your golf game you must manage your inside thoughts and feelings, and then your whole physical golf game changes.

 Self-knowledge breeds success

Within you lies the power to make these changes. It is you who must decide what you wish to believe and how you plan to attain your goals. Create a new year of possibilities. Take the time to envision now the golf game you desire, and the golfer that you aspire to be.  What you think, you create. What you can conceive and believe…. You can achieve!

The first step is to ask yourself if you are open to change and the possibilities it will bring to you. Are you ready to release limiting thoughts, regrets, angers, or self-defeating emotions that hold you hostage in old belief codes?

If you are willing to release the past, use your imagination to visualize yourself playing as the golfer you have always dreamed of becoming. Greet each new day as a new beginning, a chance to express your inner creative power.

As you allow your imagination to play, it frees you from the limits you place on yourself. It opens you up to the realm of potential and possibilities. Believe in yourself no matter how bad the results are. Remember that every day and act accordingly. See yourself as unlimited; accomplishing the dreams you dare to dream.

Play “in the zone” with Joan

Entrain Your Heart and Mind for Peak Performances

To entrain your heart and brain to play your best golf, listen to the Positive Mental Imagery self-hypnosis guided imagery CDs/MP3s in the privacy of your own home; available at

Additional information on all aspects of the mental golf game is available on the Positive Mental Imagery website at Archived Newsletters.

If these golf tips are of value to you and you would like to improve your mental golf game, call Joan for a complimentary 15-minute consultation. She can be reached by phone at 828-707-5478, by email at or through the Positive Mental Imagery website or blog.




To all who love to play golf,

Thank you for being a part of my blog community and for the trust you have placed in me.  Please accept my warmest wishes for this holiday season, for the happiest and most successful of New Years, and for an abundance of joy, peace, love, happiness, prosperity, radiant health, and whatever else your heart desires. Be well, be safe, be healthy, and may abundance come to you soon in many, many ways.

With my heartfelt wishes for you,




As a charter member of HeartMath, I learned years ago that the human heart actually possesses the equivalent of its own brain. HeartMath calls it the heart-brain which interacts and communicates with the head-brain. The two brains continually exchange critical information that influences how the body functions. Your heart is the 15th club in your bag and is surely the most important one. Playing from your heart is always going to be more meaningful than playing from technique.

Anyone who has ever played the game of golf knows that it is different from all other sports and games. The golf ball waits for the club to hit it. The golfer also waits for his/her turn. In this waiting period the mind of a golfer conjures up many negative scenarios unless the brain has been trained to focus in the moment on a predetermined strategy. That strategy is to love playing the game regardless of the circumstances and outcome.

The real creation of your golf game and swing are in doing it and feeling it. Your body is what gives you the good feeling in your heart of hitting a perfect shot. There is a big difference between thinking about the golf swing and feeling it. The happiest person is the person who is enjoying life. The meaning of life is feeling. When you let go of all outside distractions you can feel in your heart what is inside.

The mind can be convinced but the heart has to feel it. Play with the simplicity of the heart of a child; no doubts, no questions, just feeling. You still have the heart of a child, but it’s been buried under so many rules. It is time to let go of all the self-limiting rules and let the heart of a child perform. In the feeling of a full heart, time stands still (the zone state). Let your heart be your guide. Let go of the mind and return to your heart.

If you base your success on the outcome of the shot, you have made a judgment. You have ignored the feeling by thinking it was good or bad. If you are constantly thinking about what you didn’t do perfectly, your game will not improve. I was told early on in my golf career that when I took a lesson from the club pro, ask him what I was doing right, and to practice making that better.

What gifts do you have inside yourself? Are you an athlete? Or do you believe you are not athletic? What gifts can you bring to playing the game of golf? Thinking and feeling. What gifts are you over-using? Over-thinking and negative feelings. What gifts do you need to develop? Acceptance, trust, allowing, loving.

The Human Spirit of the Golfer

Golf reflects the journey into your inner self through exploring the mysteries of this royal and ancient game. At its highest levels of hitting perfect shots, and achieving your fullest potential, your spirit quietly soars “into the zone” where you are in a state of euphoria and trust. No longer is your spirit dampened by past experiences of fear, anxiety, indecision, distractions, and self-limitations. The joy you experience is in the moment, and not in the outcome.

When you take the self-imposed stress out of your golf game and regain confidence in your ability, you will be able to enjoy the game as a means of relaxation and a source of enriching your spirit and soul. To do this is to focus on what you love about the game and not on your limitations.

Choose to Balance your Mind-Body-Spirit

Use your thoughts to create your world, and the golf game that you desire. Enlighten yourself with positive visions. See the good in all the things you are experiencing, and you will feel the happiness deep within yourself. Feel it, see it, experience it, and react to the happiness you have created. Feel the shift in perception. You create in your world exactly what you focus your attention on.Here are six mental, emotional, and spiritual attributes to bring you into balance for a more rewarding golf game:

  1. Develop a good sense of humor. Think happy thoughts. There are an unlimited number of jokes about the game of golf and its unpredictability. Standing and waiting for your turn to hit has always been a traditional time to tell golf jokes. Perhaps it is a lost art that needs to be reinstated. Laughing is the best medicine for calming the mind and body. When you play and laugh it reminds you to be grateful you are alive.
  2. Develop a sense of humility. When you let go of the judgments you have about yourself, golf becomes a game to enjoy. Don’t take yourself too seriously. Don’t take other people too seriously. Don’t take life in general too seriously. Remember that your number one reason for playing golf is to have fun.
  3. Accept your circumstances. Acceptance is surrendering to your feelings, your problems, your relationships, your golf game. Before you can change, recognize that this is the way it is right now. Abstain from the struggle. Accepting the situation releases the pressure and brings relief. When you relax, you change your heartbeat, physiology, and energy pattern. Then you are better able to see what to do next.
  4. Think clearly and decisively. Do not make choices out of fear. What you fight against enhances what you fear. Use discernment. When you are feeling fear on the golf course, recognize it, feel it, and breathe deeply to relax your mind and body. Step away from the ball and practice swinging your club until you feel the rhythm and tempo you had intended. Then focus on your pre-shot routine.
  5. Be kind and patient with yourself.  Acknowledge yourself often and criticize yourself and your game less. Use the Power of Love for yourself, not the Love of Power. You deserve your own self-love. Love creates change.
  6. Don’t compare yourself to others. Because of the competitive nature of sports, it is easy to compare yourself with others, which adds to your sense of personal inadequacy and struggle to do better. Life lessons come from your inside world. Focus on yourself and what you are doing. You will become what you focus on. Your focused intentions are the most powerful tools you possess.

Being “in the zone state” on the golf course is the feeling of being in love with what you are doing. It happens when you have given up your ego self by being in love with the game. You have let go of the worries, judgments, and thoughts you have about yourself. You have aligned with your mind-body-spirit by experiencing love for the game rather than fearing the outcome. This is how you create your own personal happiness.

Look for the experience of love in everything that you do. Believe in it and it will happen. It is your superpower.

May the reason for the season bring you love, hope, peace, joy,

and unlimited fun on the golf course.

Play “in the zone” with Joan

      Entrain Your Heart & Mind for Peak Performances 

Additional newsletters on all aspects of the mental golf game are available on the Positive Mental Imagery website at Archived Newsletters.

To train your brain for improving and trusting your short game, listen to the Positive Mental Imagery self-empowering guided imagery self-hypnosis CDs/MP3s in the privacy of your own home. Eight different empowerment audios are available at

If these golf tips are of value to you and you would like to improve your mental golf game, call Joan for a complimentary 15-minute consultation. She can be reached by phone at 828.707.5478, by email at or through the Positive Mental Imagery website or blog.

THE HEART OF GOLF, Access Your Supreme Intelligence for Peak Performances” explores and explains negative emotions such as fear and performance anxiety, the four Cs of mind blockage, the four progressive stages of learning the supreme intelligence of the heart, and the way to access the zone in competition. It is a player’s guide for developing your true inner self by returning to joy and love of self instead of seeking praise and rewards from the outside world.

“THE HEART OF GOLF” guidebook for transforming your life and your golf game is available on Amazon and Kindle 













Overthinking your situation will cause a missed shot. Not letting go of a missed shot will also sabotage your round.

How you view yourself and your golf game determines the success and enjoyment you will have. Not being able to let go of a missed shot is one of those life lessons. Holding on to feeling bad about yourself because you didn’t perform up to your expectations will ruin your self-confidence and cause you to be tentative on subsequent shots.

Since we are the only ones who think in our own minds, letting go in life and in golf requires a change in our belief about ourselves. Here are what some of the pros do to change their thinking about bad shots:

Tom Watson said, I had learned from years of experience with this intriguing little game of ours to simply put it out of my mind. There was nothing I could do to replay the shot, so why worry about it?”

Walter Hagen said he expected to hit seven bad shots a round.

Ben Hogan was one of the most skilled golf ball strikers on the planet. He once said that he expected to hit about 7-10 bad shots per round. So when he did hit a less than perfect shot, he didn’t react negatively. He accepted it as one among those 5-7 shots and moved on.

“Bounce Back” is a stat on the PGA Tour

The PGA Tour tracks bounce backs for its players. According to the PGA “Bounce Back is a stat that measures how a golfer recovers after a bogey or worse to make birdie or better on the next hole.”

Bad shots are part of golf, even for those who are The PGA Tour’s top players. There is no such thing as a perfectly played round.  The difference between pros and amateurs is that the best players don’t let a bad shot lead to another bad shot which could produce a bad hole.

Even on your best days, one bad swing can ruin a hole. Without a positive mental attitude, it can escalate to more bad holes and even to the round.

It is important to keep the game in perspective. When a person falls apart after a bad shot or a bad hole they are thinking “all” or “nothing.” Remember that the bad shot or bad hole is only a fraction of the entire round and that there is sufficient time to bounce back. Avoid negative self-talk such as “It’s going to be that kind (bad) of day.” Learn from your mistakes and move on to the next shot. Use your mistakes as motivation to play the rest of the holes well. Tell yourself that you are going to enjoy each shot no matter what the outcome.

This is the time to remember your best shots, to encourage yourself with positive messages and to relax. When “the wheels come off,” golfers usually begin to swing faster from nervousness. Concentrate on regaining your rhythm and tempo by slowing down your pace of play. Take practice swings before you hit the next shot to feel your personal timing and tempo. This will help you get back into the same frame of mind for every shot.

Tiger Woods showed us his emotions on the golf course. When he was successful, he celebrated with a powerful fist pump. When he was upset with his performance, he swore and slammed his clubs like any other golfer.

Tiger had a strategy for getting out his frustration. He gave himself 10 steps forward after hitting a bad shot to let his anger go. After those ten steps he was ready for the next shot. He taught this concept to his son Charlie to control his emotions. Tiger was quoted as saying:

“Son, I don’t care how mad you get. Your head could blow off for all I care, just as long as you’re 100% percent committed to the next shot. The next shot should be the most important in your life. It should be more important than breathing.”

Your strategy for bouncing back is to be patient and not frustrate yourself more. Everyone who has played the game of golf knows that the game can turn around on the next shot. It is important to regain a relaxed state by deep breathing to slow down your thinking and physical arousal level.

5 physical routines for bouncing back

  1. Bad shots create frustration. Vent your anger quickly in a manner that doesn’t involve others. Golfers usually use a favorite swear word to vent their anger.
  2. Create a physical trigger to announce to yourself that it is time to let go and move on to the next shot. An example would be undoing the Velcro on your glove, or taking your glove off as an action that you are finished with it.
  3. “Shake it off” by tapping your shoe or the ground a couple of times with your club (putter) as a signal that you have let go of the missed shot.
  4. Create a “moving-on” routine. Decide that once you put the club back in your golf bag, the last shot is over. Move on.
  5. Release your tension by taking slow, deep cleansing breaths. Give yourself a positive self-affirming directive like “It’s over. I am ready for the next shot.”

Mental strategies for bouncing back

  • The first rule for bouncing back is to accept that mistakes are part of this great game of golf.
  • The higher your handicap, the more you need to allow yourself to make mistakes.
  • Remind yourself the bad shot is only a small part of the entire round.
  • Let go of the missed shot and emotion before you step up to hit your next shot.
  • Take deep breaths to release tension and anxiety.
  • When you make a big number, remember that you can’t make it all up on the next hole. Accept that it might take a few holes.
  • Keep the ball in play. This is not the time to try and pull off a miracle shot.
  • Think conservatively about what you need to do to create your next shot, not about what didn’t work.
  • Use your pre-shot routine to get prepared mentally, physically, and emotionally.

Play “in the zone” with Joan

      Entrain Your Heart & Mind for Peak Performances 

Additional newsletters on all aspects of the mental golf game are available on the Positive Mental Imagery website at Archived Newsletters.

To train your brain for improving and trusting your short game, listen to the Positive Mental Imagery self-empowering guided imagery self-hypnosis CDs/MP3s in the privacy of your own home. Eight different empowerment audios are available at

If these golf tips are of value to you and you would like to improve your mental golf game, call Joan for a complimentary 15-minute consultation. She can be reached by phone at 828.707.5478, by email at or through the Positive Mental Imagery website or blog.



The puzzling question in golf has always been; “How do I get into ‘the zone’ or ‘flow state’ to play automatically at my personal best?” This is the biggest mystery of golf.

I live in an area that is known for being a rainforest. We have a substantial amount of sunshine and an equal amount of rain to keep the grass, trees, and flowers lush and growing. This fall I dug up the crabgrass in my lawn and planted grass seed in the bare spots. I watered it faithfully every day for a week and then I got busy and didn’t water it for three days. The hot summer sun dried up the seed and most of it died. Weeds grew In the remaining dirt because weeds don’t need water. Weeds grow because they have shallow roots and absorb water at the top of the soil which steals it from the grass that has deeper root systems.

Nature is a metaphor for the growth and success we desire in our golf games. When we win, fulfillment is only temporary. It must be done again. Even the grass goes dormant in the winter.

What we need to do first is get rid of the baggage (the weeds) we are holding inside so it won’t come back and interfere with our future successes. To be successful at golf requires finding the right knowledge (soil), removing negativity (weeds) and a healthy sense of self-esteem (water).

Mental Interference

Your mind is your servant, and you can do anything you want with it. While your mind is the most powerful computer, we constantly interfere with the programming we have put into it. And we are not always aware of the existing programming we accepted in our childhood as truth. We are still being manipulated by someone else’s beliefs. You will be the master of your mind when you clear out thoughts and beliefs that are not your own. The latest buzz word is “overthinking.” Let go of too much analysis and instead learn from the experience of feeling to give you awareness. It is only in your quiet, focused mind that you can access “the zone.”

Fearless Golf

Fear and excitement operate in the same vibrational frequency. The difference is that fear keeps us stuck in our old patterns which have mostly been handed down to us. Fear keeps us anchored in belief systems that may not even be ours to begin with. Discern what is your truth and what belongs to others. Pay attention to your feelings. They tell you about you.

The only way to remove fearful thoughts and emotions is to face them head on. When you face them, your anxiety will go away. Fear is only part of the equation when it comes to facing something uncomfortable. You need motivation to conquer your fear. Instead of letting fear hold you back, use it as motivation to achieve your goals.

In my golf career I took lessons from many of the top Professional Golf Teachers. They all had different ideas about the golf swing depending on their own experience. My home Pro spent restless nights trying to figure out how to cure my shanks. It wasn’t until I shanked my way all around a par 3 during the club championship, that I was motivated to go to the range to discover how to shank on purpose. Then I was aware of what I was doing and how to correct it. To exercise control over your mind, you must detach from your thoughts (or someone else’s) and experience for yourself.

Golfers think that finding the perfect swing is the answer. They spend hours practicing technique to groove their swing. How many times do you revert to your “old” swing when things are going badly? You do not use the same swing every time. Every shot and situation are a new and different experience. The one constant to practice is your personal tempo, which is a feeling, not a thought.

The Zone State of Awareness

I easily recall the feeling of being in the zone on the golf course. Although I shot memorable scores, it is the feeling of this higher state of consciousness that reminds me of the freedom that happened without conscious effort or thought.

In this higher state of awareness, there are feelings of total calm and peace (no fear or anxiety); ease and effortlessness in swinging; a heightened sense of intuition; ease of movement; total enjoyment; weightlessness; a sense of euphoria; increased power; intensified concentration (no indecision or distractions); mental clarity (seeing a line on the green or a line to the target); and being in complete control.  Golfers “in the zone” state typically play with more accuracy due to an increased sense of feel and awareness, hit the ball longer, and shoot lower scores indicative of their peak potential.

When you are “in the zone” you are in an altered state where time appears to stand still. What happens is that you have slowed down your conscious problem-solving mind. At the same time, your intuitive subconscious mind has speeded up so that you intuitively know what to do without any interference from doubt, anxiety, or fear. You are in the flow where you are fully involved in the process of creating the shot, enjoying the feeling. You have let go of the problem and allowed your higher consciousness to create what you desire. Clean out the clutter. It may not be yours.

Breathing is your portal into the zone

Breathing is what you do every day without thinking about it. Have you noticed that the rhythm of breathing is like the rhythm of your golf swing? When you inhale, there is a brief second pause before you begin your exhalation. When you swing a golf club, there is a momentary pause at the top of the backswing before it changes direction for the downswing.

When you are in an emotional state such as worry, anger, or fear. your breathing will be quick and erratic. The rhythm of your breath is affected by any state of mind. Your breathing is in sync with your thoughts. You can modify the state of your mind by changing your breathing pattern.

The Pre-shot Routine

The key to accessing this awesome superconscious state of being is your pre-shot routine. It is a technique to take you out of your conscious mind, letting go of planning, and into your subconscious mind of just allowing. Focusing on slow, deep breaths serves as a key to unlocking the door to this extraordinary realm. Taking deep breaths allows you to transcend the limitations of the physical world and experience the expansive nature of your true self.

As you practice the technique of deep breathing, use your sense of visualization or imagination to watch your exhaled breath move away from you, stopping, and returning in a slow, methodical rhythm. When you visualize your breath in this way, your mind stops. Feel the quiet, calm, relaxation move into your mind and body. Install 2-3 deep breaths into your pre-shot routine and practice this routine on the range with every shot until you feel comfortable with the extraordinary freedom feelings of being “in the zone.”


When I started my workshops, I wanted to show golfers how to have fun playing golf instead of complaining about what wasn’t working. The way to have fun is to love playing golf for the challenge and experience instead of the results. Feel and use your senses. Play with the feelings of a child who plays for the sheer enjoyment of what he/she is experiencing in the moment.

Take care of the seeds (thoughts) that you plant. You are the gardener; knowledge is the seed. For maintenance, use your mental weed whacker and remove all the weeds (mental debris) that interfere with your serenity.

Play “in the zone” with Joan

            Entrain Your Heart & Mind for Peak Performances 

Additional information on all aspects of the mental golf game is available on the Positive Mental Imagery website at Archived Newsletters.

To train your brain for improving and trusting your short game, listen to the Positive Mental Imagery self-empowering guided imagery self-hypnosis CDs/MP3s in the privacy of your own home. Eight different empowerment audios are also available at

If these golf tips are of value to you and you would like to improve your mental golf game, call Joan for a complimentary 15-minute consultation. She can be reached by phone at 828-707-5478, by email at or through the Positive Mental Imagery website or blog.