Focus! Focus! Focus!

While playing a slam bid in bridge I made a simple mistake that cost my partner and me the game. After the hand was over it the mistake I had made was obvious. My partner also knew it and told me to focus, focus, focus. How many times on the golf course after a missed shot have you realized what you had done to cause it? Taking the time to prepare mentally is what produces the results you want.

Give every shot your full intention and attention

It is my belief that all missed golf shots are due to mental errors. It is important to prepare your mind 100% for the result you want. The key to playing consistently is to prepare your mind thoroughly the same way every time so your results are consistent. Practice your pre-shot routine on the range until it becomes a habit. This will turn your preparation over to your subconscious mind to close out any extraneous thoughts. Spend more time practicing what you want to focus on than what you want to avoid.

Ways to focus on your mental routine    

  • Do not rush your preparation. The USGA Rules of Golf allows you 40 seconds to prepare to hit your shot. This is plenty of time to do the following.
  • Use good course management. Take the time to think positively about your strategy. Take into account the lie of your ball in the grass. Is it on a slope? Is it under a tree? What is your safest target? Will the wind affect your distance and direction?
  • Be decisive about your club selection. Trust the club in your hands to produce a good solid golf shot. Believe in your club selection and target.
  • Clear your mind of all negative emotions.  Let go of all fears by thinking about the shot you want to hit. Focus on your target and how to get there.
  • Clear your mind of all distractions. If you are distracted by movement, noises outside your head or thoughts inside your head, back off and begin your pre-shot routine again.
  • Clear your mind of all previous shots. Thinking about other shots draws your attention away from the shot you are about to hit.
  • Take a practice swing to feel your swing tempo. Limit your thinking to one thought about how to access your rhythm.
  • Take deep abdominal breaths to slow down your thinking mind. Breathing deeply will put your mind and body in a relaxed state for easier focus.
  • Be precise in your alignment. Set up correctly. Pick an intermediate spot to align yourself correctly to your target.
  • Be ready to enjoy hitting the shot. Smile inside to create a sense of ease, confidence and joy for the shot you are about to hit.

Play “In the Zone” With Joan

If this article is helpful to you, and you want to learn more about developing a strong mental game, call Joan for a complimentary 15-minute consultation.  She can be reached by phone at 828-696-2547, or by email at

Self-empowering mental golf CDs are available on the Positive Mental Imagery website 





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