The first step in learning to concentrate and stay in the present moment with the action is to rewire your brain by changing your thoughts.
The self-talk you have in your head is either voices from your past (fear) that you have chosen to replay on the tape in your head, or thoughts of the future (anxiety) that you expect to happen. Either self-talk will sabotage your golf game.
In my mind are thoughts that hurt me or help me!
We have all been conditioned to limit ourselves.
There was a study done with fleas. They were put into a closed tube. They jumped up and hit the top over and over. When the top was taken off they only jumped to the top, never out of the tube.
We need to change limiting beliefs.
The secret for success is believing in yourself!
People react to what other people want them to be instead of what they want to be.
Don’t accept the limitations others put on you.
What you can conceive and believe, you can achieve!
Limiting thoughts heard on the golf course:
- Don’t go there, you idiot!
- I have no luck.
- I never play this golf course well.
- I never know who is going to show up when I play this golf course.
- I always mess up this hole.
These kinds of self-limiting thoughts put a ceiling on your performance, your self esteem, your confidence, your abilities and your self image. Listen to your self-talk and the self-talk of others on the golf course and watch how it affects your game.
Begin now to turn your game around by thinking positively about the shot you are about to create. Let go of expectations. Encourage your good play by praising your efforts. Be your own best caddy. Enjoy the game for its challenges and opportunities without beating yourself up.
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