Is self doubt ruining your golf game?

Self-doubt surfaces in many ways when you are playing golf. Lack of confidence is one of the beliefs that golfers struggle with. Self doubt is triggered by expectations that are not fulfilled, a bad shot, an unexpected score, a lack of focus and many, many other factors. Begin now to develop a mental strategy for strengthening your self worth.

What are the mental blocks in your golf game?

All golfers experience many emotions on the golf course. Emotions come from the thoughts in your head. Every time you experience an unpleasant emotion, it is a signal to change your thinking to bolster your self worth. Here are some ways you can change the way you think about how you play the game of golf so you won’t develop a mental block.

1. “Golf is a game I play for my own enjoyment. I am not concerned with what others might think of my game. Conversely, I am not concerned with how others play their game.”

2. “My physical game doesn’t reflect upon me as a person, but my reaction to it does reflect on me as a person. I always act like a champion even when my game goes south. I believe in my ability to play well.”

3. “I see the good in every shot. Mistakes are to learn from. The shots that don’t come off as I desire are for me to learn so I don’t make the same mistake again. I believe that golf is a game where I will mishit more shots than I hit perfect shots. I accept my misses, learn from them, let them go, and recover easily.”

4. “One missed shot isn’t a game breaker. I take enough time to recover well. There are many ways to score well after making a mistake.”

5. “I congratulate myself when I hit good shots. I feel the euphoric feeling deep within my being.”

6. “I trust my pre-shot routine and do it consistently for every shot. I am confident in what I decide to do.”

7. “All errors in golf are mental errors. My mind controls my golf swing. If I haven’t put the right information into my brain, my body won’t give me what I want. Garbage in garbage out.”

8. “The only part of my golf game I can control is myself. I take the time to prepare my mind for the results I desire.”

Play “In the Zone” With Joan

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Since we are all part of the golf community and want to improve, I would like to hear from you. Please leave your comments below. Let me know what your concerns are, the parts of your mental game that you need help with, what excites you, and what you love about the game.







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