When you don’t trust yourself and your golf swing, your trust turns to doubt and that doubt creates tension. Tension is the most common physical cause of making mistakes in the golf swing. Eliminating tension needs to be a key part of your practice and playing routines.
Some days you will have more tension than others. To become relaxed you have to be aware of the feeling of tension when it surfaces. Positive Mental Imagery CDs are available at www.pmi4.com/cart that will help you to relax, score lower and have more fun.
The imagery and positive suggestions on the following CDs will enforce these mental coping skills to overcome tension:
Replace all negative thinking with positive thoughts & images:
“Self Hypnosis for Playing “In the Zone” CD
Slow Down Your Breathing:
“Progressive Relaxation of the Mind & Body” CD
Change your focus from conditions outside you to inside:
“Concentration for Consistent Golf” CD
Trust in your ability to make a smooth swing/putt:
“Confident Putting for Lower Scores” CD
Replace your fears with empowering self-talk :
“Fearless Golf” CD
Release all thoughts about the outcome of the game:
“Release from Performance Anxiety” CD
Believe in your ability and your potential:
“Confidence to Win Golf Tournaments” CD
Repetition is the key to mastering mental and physical skills. By listening to a CD repeatedly the positive suggestions and imagery will be anchored into your memory for easy access on the golf course.
Play “in the zone” with Joan
Entrain Your Heart & Mind for Peak Performances
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