Determine first what your mental stumbling blocks are. Take note of your limiting thoughts about the golf course or how you view your upcoming round. For example, you might say, “I worry about playing with others who are better than I am.”
Most golfers are intimidated by playing with better golfers. During the round, they worry about what the better golfer might think of them and their game. This kind of thinking causes anxiety and a lack of mental and emotional control.
Decide what is under your control and what is not
The ability and the way someone else plays the game is not under your control. However, letting go of worry and thoughts about someone else’s game is under your control.
Instead of dwelling on something outside of you that you can’t control, reframe it into a new perspective that will reinforce a positive focus on attaining your inner control. Anytime you determine that a thought is outside of your control, use it as a cue to give yourself a positive, constructive message where you can influence or control yourself positively.
Use self-talk that nourishes confidence
Some examples are:
- I give my full intention and attention to each shot.
- I play my best by thinking and executing one shot at a time.
- My shot preparation is decisive.
- I use my consistent mental pre-shot routine for every shot and putt, visualizing and feeling each one.
- I believe in my ability to score low.
- I relax between shots by keeping the conversation light, breathing deeply and feeling the joy of swinging with ease.
- I stay relaxed to keep a good swing tempo to maximize my physical skills.
- I make something constructive happen by learning from my mistakes.
- I love all the challenges of playing a round of golf.
- I give myself credit for the good shots I hit.
- I love to putt on any kind of green.
The only thing you can control is yourself. Do not give any mental or emotional energy to what you cannot control. This includes the condition of the golf course, the weather conditions, your playing partners’ behavior or their scores. Spend your energy on preparing for your shot, sticking to your game plan, your own awareness and changing negative perceptions to positive thoughts.
If you aren’t able to maintain a positive attitude on the golf course, email Joan at for a complimentary 15-minute phone conversation about developing a new mental strategy. Learn what is missing in your golf game so you can achieve the success you desire.
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