If you are struggling with your short game, or want to lower your scores, this new CD “Master Your Short Game for Low Scores” is for you. You can order now at www.pmi4.com/cart
Your subconscious mind that controls your autonomic nervous system doesn’t differentiate between something vividly imagined and something real. Through guided imagery, this CD will create images of perfect sand shots, perfect pitch shots and perfect chip shots to create new neural passageways in your brain for mental mastery of your golf game around the greens. All you have to do to make the images stronger is listen to the CD repeatedly until they are hard-wired into your memory bank. Then when you are hitting shots on or around the greens, your muscles will automatically repeat the skills that you have mentally and physically practiced.
Why the short game?
Paula Creamer, LPGA said, “When I watch amateurs hit chips, pitches and bunker shots or listen to them talk about how they approach these parts of the game, I’m always troubled by how complicated they make it.”
Long drives and hitting greens can produce low scores, but miss-hits are part of the game. If you are only practicing to improve your golf swing, you are missing out on the art of scoring in golf. When you miss the greens you need to have a confident short game to recover and still score low.
The golf shots you make around the greens account for more than half of the shots you play. It is the easiest and best way to save shots and lower your scores. Anyone can develop a great short game because you don’t need strength, youth, flexibility or talent. In fact what you do need is the ability to relax. With a solid short game you can turn trouble shots into triumph.
Around the greens is where the score is made
Developing a mental attitude of confidence in your short game will make scoring easier as it takes the pressure off the rest of your golf game.
All golfers desire to score lower. Mentally rehearsing perfect short game shots creates an automatic positive response for getting the ball up and down around the golf course greens. The imagery on this CD is designed to instill in your subconscious mind the swing timing and tempo entrained to your own internal rhythm.
Track 1 will guide you into your natural state of relaxation for greater learning to access the rhythm of your short game swings. Track 2 repeats affirmations for reinforcing positive winning thoughts for achieving confidence and control. Listening to Track 2 in a conscious awake state will enhance the imagery and suggestions on Track 1. www.pmi4.com/cart
“If you truly want to maximize your score you must treat the short game with the respect it deserves.” — Butch Harmon, Jr.
Play “in the zone” with Joan
Entrain Your Heart & Mind for Peak Performances
To train your brain and body to score low around the greens, listen to the PMI self-hypnosis CDs: “Master Your Short Game for Lower Scores” and “Confident Putting for Low Scores” in the privacy of your own home. You can order today at http://www.pmi4.com/cart
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