A Good Golf Game is All In the Mind

As 2015 approaches its end, it is a time to remember the golf memories you created during the year. What were the memorable experiences you had, both successful and the missed opportunities? Remembering your emotionally charged experiences will motivate you to repeat the successes and look forward to making the New Year even more satisfying, fun and rewarding in this great game of golf.

The next time you go to the golf course, use these mental tips for releasing your judgmental mind and staying in a playful state to lower your scores.

  • Relax your mind and body. You can’t be relaxed and anxious at the same time. Take deep breaths to relax your body and to slow down your thinking mind for sharper focus.
  • Take the time to manage your game. When you miss a shot, make sure you can recover. Think the shot through. Play only percentage shots.
  • Be patient. Golf is a waiting game. Wait for the opportunities to happen. The more you rush, the less clearly you are able to think. The more you rush, the quicker your swing becomes and the more mistakes you make.
  • Concentrate only on your game. Being concerned with your competitor’s game will distract you from being in control of your own game.
  • Give each shot your full attention. Treat each shot as if it is the most important shot you will ever hit by giving it your full intention and attention. Stay in the NOW. Be fully present in your preparation by focusing on playing one shot at a time.
  • Change all fearful shots into positive images. Stay focused in the present, giving your full attention to what you want to happen, not what you are afraid will happen.
  • Use a positive mental pre-shot and post-shot routine. Consistent mental routines will produce consistent shots.
  • Trust your swing. Let go of mechanical thoughts. Believe in your ability. It is impossible to “fix” your swing after missing a shot. Instead, find your rhythm and tempo.
  • Remember your good shots, not the mistakes. Don’t keep tract of your missed shots by continually talking or thinking about them.
  • Play target golf. Take DEAD AIM. Have a clear picture of your target in your mind and swing down your target line without thinking about how to do it.
  • Indecision is the enemy of golfers. Don’t hit a shot until you have absolutely made up your mind about what you want to do with the shot.
  • Believe in yourself no matter what the results are. Believe in your ability to play well. Trust that you can improve.
  • Emotionalize only the good shots. Enjoy every successful shot. Emotions of fear, doubt, anger and anxiety will sabotage your game. Be positive in talking to yourself and others.
  • Less is more. Swing within yourself. Feel your awareness of balance, rhythm and tempo. The ball will go farther and straighter with a smooth, easy effortless swing than with a forceful, jerky swing.
  • Let go of all expectations. Don’t add up your score until you are finished. Enjoy each shot as its own reward.
  • Enjoy all aspects of the golf course. Accept and love everything that happens from a place of childlike wonder and joy and you will be playing from your heart space at your peak performance level.

Play “in the zone” with Joan

Entrain Your Heart & Mind for Peak Performances

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