Do you only have fun when you are playing golf well?

When you are what you do…. and then you don’t….. you aren’t.

This statement says that if you put all of your self worth into playing well, and then you don’t play well, you lose your self esteem/confidence.

How important is winning at golf in your life? 100% 75%  50%  25%?

Masters champion Trevor Immelman from South Africa said, “I think you need to be very careful tying your results and what you do for a living to your self worth.”

“It’s tricky and can be a hard thing to do, especially with how big sport is nowadays. When I grew up loving the game, I miscalculated in the sense of how when I played well I was really happy and when I played badly I was really unhappy. Sport is fickle and that’s a slippery slope to be on. There are so many variables. When you tie your self worth to your results, that’s not a great place to be.” 

Players who maintain positive self-talk enhance their confidence and feelings of self-worth and are not deterred by mistakes. They see miss-hit shots as an opportunity to learn how to do it better the next time. You must be responsible for how you create your life. Visualize in your mind how you choose to react in moments that in the past have brought you unhappiness.

Know that miss-hit shots do not reflect on you as a person.

What does reflect on you is your reaction to them.

Confidence comes from within. Confidence is something you decide on ahead of time. It is how you think. Decide to love playing golf with all its inconsistencies. Decide to love it whether you play well or badly. You have a choice to spend the day being disappointed or being thankful that you are able to be outdoors playing a game you like. Each day is a gift and a chance to store happy memories into your mental golf bank account. Every time you hit a good feeling shot, you increase your bank account. Every time you feel disappointed in yourself after a missed shot, you decrease your golf bank account with added interest.

“Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success.

If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.” – Albert Schweitzer

Play “in the zone” with Joan

Entrain Your Heart & Mind for Peak Performances



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