Change your beliefs, Change your golf game

Tiger Woods has announced that he will be back on Tour competing next week in the World Golf Championships-Bridgestone Invitational at Firestone CC in Akron, Ohio. After 3 months of rehab on his left knee he has just recently started hitting golf balls. Is he mentally and physically strong enough to compete at the highest levels?

It is now two years since I had bi-lateral knee surgery; the total replacement of both knees. The pain in my knees before and after surgery has kept me from playing golf all that time. Because of my love of the game, and like Tiger because I have medical approval, I decided in May that I would begin to play once a week and tolerate the pain. Although Tiger hasn’t played in tournaments in a few months, I can commiserate with his situation and wonder how his knee situation will affect his performances.


With practicie and play I began a process of mentally remembering my swing and body coordination. On the golf course I would remember my swing faults and notice when they would cause errant shots. Like most golfers I would analyze them and attempt to change them in my practice sessions and on-course. I didn’t lack confidence as I had the experience of remembering winning. But the pain was my main distraction as it caused physical tiredness. My main goals were to just finish 18-hole rounds. Last week in the extreme heat, instead of thinking about my swing, I focused on the things that I teach; rhythm, focus on the shot at hand, visualization, a consistent pre-shot & post-shot routine, relaxation, and deep breathing. My mind and pain no longer distracted me and I played in the zone, with my mind-body-emotions in sync, enjoying shooting an easy 80.


A transformation is a complete change in something or someone. To move into the zone state requires a psychological transformation of your thoughts, beliefs, and resulting emotions so you can play unconsciously. Here are some examples of recent pro golfer transformations.

Phil Mickelson

Phil Mickelson, a magician around the greens has played in 17 British Opens finishing no higher than 11th place. His high flying shots were not conducive to the low flying shots necessary in the wind on the European links courses. This year he went to The Open having changed his beliefs about not winning. At Royal St. George’s, Sandwich, England he stated, “I’m  trying to pretend like it’s my first time here and to appreciate playing the ball on the ground and enjoy the challenge of links golf. I feel excited to. . .learn this style.” He finished 3rd in greens in regulation. Phil said, “I hit some of the best shots I’ve hit in the wind. Not just today but really all week.” He reinforced his new belief by smiling throughout the tournament in spite of the 35mph wind or sideways rain. He finished 3 strokes behind the winner Darren Clarke. Mickelson said, “That was some of the most fun I’ve had competitively.”

Yani Seng

22-year-old Taiwan Yani Seng, just won the women’s LPGA British Open and became the youngest player ever to win five major tournaments. She successfully defended her title in spectacular fashion with a final round 69, 16 under par, four strokes ahead of American Brittany Lang. “It is a great honor to win the British Open again,” said Tseng. “There is so much history attached to this course. I felt more comfortable this year because I learning all the time. My mental game is so much better.” When Yani stopped pushing herself to win more tournaments she released the self-imposed pressure and was able to enjoy playing once again.

Darren Clarke

At age 42, Darren Clarke is a strong ball-striker who was labeled an underachiever because he had never won a major tournament. He was ranked 111th in the world going into the Open Championship. He was emotionally down after shooting a 75 in the last round of the Scottish Open. Bob Rotella, his mental coach helped him to clear his mind of these mental distractions. They focused on Darren putting by letting go of thinking and trying. Putting well affected the rest of his game so he could play unconsciously. It was obvious that he was a transformed golfer as he won the Open 3 shots ahead of Phil. Clarke said, “I want to keep going. I still feel as if I can compete with the best players in the world.”

Play “In the Zone” With Joan

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