For consistency, anchor your best shots with emotion

When I was meditating this morning, memories of long ago golf shots surfaced. I pictured the first time I visualized a shot that came off exactly as I had imagined it. I was 10 yards behind a 30-foot evergreen tree next to the green. I chose my wedge and pictured the ball flying up over the tree and on to the green. I was thrilled that it happened the way I imagined it. I have never forgotten the feeling and image even though it was over 45 years ago! Then I remembered my first hole-in-one where I was playing in a M-G. I focused on the flagstick and hit my shot directly over the flag. The ball backed up and fell into the cup. That was 18 years ago! Then I remembered scoring a double eagle with a driver and 6-iron which was even more exciting than the holes-in-one.

And there are many, many other memories of successful shots that have given me the confidence to know that I can execute them successfully.

How do I remember these long-ago shots so easily? Visualization + emotion.

When you go to the movies you not only see the picture, you hear the sound, and you feel the emotion of the scene. The more emotionally powerful the scene, the more memorable it is. Your subconscious mind doesn’t differentiate between negative (feeling bad) and positive (feeling good) emotions. It will anchor the events that are more highly charged emotionally and will recall them easily.

After your round how many mishits do you remember and reinforce by talking about them? And how many good shots do you remember and reinforce? Which ones are you installing more powerfully into your subconscious memory bank?

Decide now to anchor with good heartfelt emotion only those that you wish to repeat. Talking about missed shots only soothes your ego looking for relief from the emotional distress. Did you notice Novak Djokovic last week’s winner in the US Tennis Open shaking his hand as a physical signal to his mind and body to let go thinking about a shot he hit out?  

Reinforcing your best shots will guarantee that your subconscious mind will send those visualizations to your muscles for a repeat performance. For easy recall, anchor your successful shots with a strong internal feeling, and with a physical signal such as a fist pump.

Call Joan for a complimentary 15-minute consultation. She can be reached by phone at 828.696.2547, or through the Positive Mental Imagery website at

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