Are you in control of your golf game?

Playing at your peak performance levels means managing your thoughts and emotions to your best advantage. While most people think these are two separate entities, they are entwined. In order to have control over your swing and your game you need to have control of your thoughts and feelings.

It’s not your feelings that cause you problems. It’s the undisciplined decisions that you make as a result of focusing on the feelings.

How do you control your thoughts? You are the only thinker in your mind. It is up to you to choose what you want to think.

The only thing you can control is yourself. Do not give any mental or emotional energy to what you cannot control. This includes the condition of the golf course, the weather conditions, your playing partners’ behaviors or their scores. Spend your energy on preparing for your shot, sticking to your game plan, using your own awareness, and changing negative perceptions to positive thoughts.

  Tips for having control of your game 

  1. Never give up.
  2. Make a plan and stick to it.
  3. Let go of expectations.
  4. Give yourself permission to make mistakes.
  5. After a mistake, slow down and breathe deeply.
  6. Let go of old habits of being concerned with score.
  7. Know your skill level and play percentage shots.
  8. Be flexible. Golf is full of surprises.
  9. Use positive self-talk throughout the round.
  10. Use the same preshot routine on every shot.
  11. Give every shot and putt 100% of your effort and focus.
  12. Be patient and maintain your arousal level.
  13. Play by “feel” instead of mechanics.
  14. Give up judgment and analysis on the course.
  15. Play from your heart.
  16. Play for your own enjoyment.

One of the mental keys to playing in the zone is having control of your thoughts and emotions. To play well in a tournament or in a match where you are competing against your friends, you need to have control of your emotions.

The pressure of a situation has to do with your perception. You can decide to thrive on the pressure (being in the hunt) or become nervous and anxious (fearful of the results). It all depends on your internal dialogue. Choose to shift your thoughts into the present by focusing on creating a good shot or putt. Concentrate your attention on your pre-shot routine to move you into the flow, and Just Do It.

Play “in the zone” With Joan

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