Distractions such as noises on the golf course are common place. There are also the distractions of the self-talk in your head that can bring up interfering negative thoughts.
If inner thoughts or outer noises distract you, you have not totally prepared your mind so your body will know precisely what to do. Using a consistent pre-shot routine before every shot or putt is a good way to focus your attention so you won’t be distracted. Programming your mind for the shot you want is the only part of your golf swing over which you have total control. Indecision about your golf swing or the club to use will sabotage your golf shot.
An excellent step to add to your pre-shot routine is the “D-Line”. From behind the ball as you look down the fairway at your target, draw an imaginary line between you and your golf ball. This is your Decision Line (D-Line). All thoughts and decisions must be made before you cross this line to stand over your ball.
Behind the ball: Plan your shot by taking into account the distance, wind and target. Be decisive about the club you have selected. Practice your swing mentally and/or physically. Picture in your mind the flight of the ball, or rolling the ball into the hole. When you have done this, you are ready to move to the ball and trust that your subconscious mind has received the information and will act on it. Any other thoughts you have over the ball will be a distraction.
If you are distracted at any time after crossing your D-Line, begin your pre-shot routine again to refocus.
Keep a mental scorecard with a pass/fail system or a 1-10 system (with 10 being totally decisive) to record your level of preparedness for every shot. You might be surprised how many shots you hit without being mentally ready.
Play “in the zone” with Joan
Entrain Your Heart & Mind for Peak Performances
If you would like to improve your mental golf game, call Joan for a complimentary 15-minute consultation. She can be reached by phone at 828.696.2547, or by email at pmi4@bellsouth.net.
Easily improve your confidence in your mental golf game today by listening to PMI self-hypnosis CDs in the privacy of your own home. Available now at www.pmi4.com/cart
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