Are your emotions controlling your golf game?

Emotions show what you are thinking about yourself and your golf game. Your feelings are a good way to learn about and know yourself as an individual. Your emotions can interfere with your breathing, concentration, tempo of your swing, decision-making, confidence and most of all, enjoyment of your game.

When you are controlled by your emotions it is difficult to think clearly. And emotionally charged events make a strong imprint in your subconscious mind.

How do you react to a miss-hit or a mental error?

Most players react with frustration or anger when a shot doenn’t come off as planned and prepared for. Anger is a temporary motivator resulting from a fear of failure or helplessness. It is best to release the feeling quickly by venting it through an out-breath so it won’t come up again at the wrong time.  Do not self-sabotage and punish yourself by calling yourself stupid or incompetent.

When you focus on your mistakes, fear of failing, or keeping your score going, you can become controlled by these emotions. Your heart beats faster, it is difficult to breathe, your hands shake, and you swing harder and faster at the golf ball which causes more mistakes.

Frustration on the golf course could be the result of unrealistic expectations of your game. When you set high standards that aren’t readily attainable, you will constantly experience failure and frustration. It is important to acknowledge that you will hit bad shots. Focus on your ability to “bounce back” from making mistakes as golf is a game of recovery more than it is a game of seeking perfection.

You will experience less frustration and be more relaxed if you do not demand perfection from yourself. Don’t make your missed golf shots the central theme of your thoughts. The more you replay your missed shots in your mind, the more you deplete your mental and physical energies to play good shots.

Options for lowering your frustration level:

  • Choose to hit shots that you know you can pull off successfully. Failing to pull off the “miracle shot” can result in frustration.
  • Be realistic about the distance you can hit your clubs and don’t expect to hit the maximum distance every time.
  • Use your missed shots as an opportunity to focus on recovering well.
  • Realize that you cannot change your missed shots, but you can change the thoughts that upset you.
  • A round of golf is very seldom all good or all bad. Focus on the good shots that you have hit.
  • Have the feeling that golf with all its ups and downs is a fun game to play!

Play “in the zone” with Joan

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