Attract positive energy into your golf game

Working with golfers to help them achieve their golf goals is fun for me. Due to the joyous feeling golfers experience when hitting pure shots, they are disciplined, dedicated and have an intense desire to experience that awesome feeling more often.

While golfers’ intention is the conscious act of improving golf performances, they usually try to accomplish it physically with more lessons and more practice. Overlooked is eliminating the practice of repeating negative programming.

Your mind is your garden. Your thoughts are the seeds. You can grow flowers or you can grow weeds.

Circumstances on the golf course are neutral. The way you react to those circumstances creates negative or positive energy. To be congruent with the situation to produce your best results, your inner self needs to be aligned with this neutral state of mind, body, and spirit.

The first step in moving from negative to positive energy on the golf course is awareness of the kind of thoughts you have lodged in your subconscious mind. When you become aware by listening to your self-talk, you can then change to the following mental practices.

  1. Let go of control. When you try to control your golf swing/score you will be stressed and will generate negative energy. Let go of indecision, force, and control and just allow your subconscious mind to easily produce the swing you have practiced.
  2. See the positive in every circumstance. Know that good and bad are just perceptions created in the conditioned mind. In reality every life situation is to learn something or to enjoy.
  3. Stop worrying about the “what ifs.” Worrying is a waste of energy. If you are thinking about what might happen, you are unconsciously creating a lot of negative energy which will sabotage your game.
  4. Release past fear thoughts. Replaying past mistakes in your mind is a weed that needs to be eradicated. The past is past. If you don’t think of a bad memory you will not have any bad feelings. Forgive yourself and move back into a state of positive energy by focusing on creating the next shot.
  5. Be kind to yourself.  “Could have” and “should have” sayings create guilt feelings. These thoughts come from years of conditioning where you were labeled as not being good enough.
  6. Stay in the present moment. This means being neutral, not judging, not analyzing and just observing with a peaceful mind. This will generate positive energy.
  7. Let go of judgment. Release all miss hits by letting go of self-judgment. Shake your hand vigorously to send a signal to your brain that you are physically releasing and letting go.
  8. Release upsetting emotions. Refocus on regaining positive energy by swinging a club to the rhythm of an uplifting song to regain your perfect tempo.
  9. Compliment yourself.  Give yourself encouragement by anchoring your good shots into your subconscious by feeling it within your heart. Smile and enjoy your accomplishment.
  10. Be grateful. Appreciate all of the wonderful things you already have in your life. Be grateful for being healthy, playing a game outdoors in the sunshine that you truly love.

Just as you have trouble taking your swing from the range to the course, you will have trouble uplifting your energies if you are constantly repeating negative thought patterns. Lift up your game by planting a garden full of self-empowering affirmations.

Play “in the zone” with Joan

Entrain Your Heart & Mind for Peak Performances

To train your brain to play your best golf, listen to the Positive Mental Imagery guided imagery CDs, available at


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