Category Archives: More Mental Golf Tips

Fall is a wonderful time to play golf

Fall is a beautiful time of year here in western North Carolina. It is magical to see the green leaves reaching their peak colors of red, yellow and orange before they begin to fall to the ground. Fall golf always … Continue reading


Just dreaming about what you want to accomplish in golf will not bring it about. A dream is a hopeful manifestation of your fondest desire. To make your dream happen, you need to let go of the fears that hold you … Continue reading


Fear has to do with an inner state of your mind. A fear reflects how you view yourself and your ability to handle a situation in your life or on the golf course. When you are afraid you move away … Continue reading


SELF-CONFIDENCE* The official summer golf season is winding down and most club champions have been crowned. How did you do? Did you play your best? Or did you lose your final match after you were several holes ahead on the … Continue reading

Do you have reliable pre-shot and post-shot golf routines?*

The way to prepare your mind is with a consistent pre-shot routine on every shot whether it is a tee shot or a putt. Most golfers consider the pre-shot routine boring, unnecessary, and too much work to develop. Using the … Continue reading

How do I deal with an annoying golf partner?

Because we have so much free time to think during a round, there is a lot of time to stew about things that bother us. Are you bothered by someone who gets very angry, or a Chatty Cathy who is … Continue reading

How can I be less frustrated and enjoy golf more?

Frustration on the golf course could be the result of unrealistic expectations of your game. When you set high standards that aren’t readily attainable, you will constantly experience failure and frustration. It is important to acknowledge that you will mishit … Continue reading

Are you in control of your golf game?

Playing at your peak performance levels means managing your thoughts and emotions to your best advantage. While most people think these are two separate entities, they are entwined. In order to have control over your swing and your game you … Continue reading

Don’t Give Up Your Golf Game Because of a Shank

Yesterday was my regular day to play competitive golf. On the sixth hole, a 109-yard par three hole, I shanked my iron shot into the creek paralleling the fairway to the right. This shot has popped up at unexpected times … Continue reading

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