Category Archives: More Mental Golf Tips

Having too high golf expectations produces a loss of self-confidence

Whether you are a new golfer or have been playing for a long time, a good mental golf game requires letting go of expectations. The quickest way to ruin a round of golf is by trying to match or improve … Continue reading

Fearless Golf

The spring equinox this Saturday, March 20th signals it is time for rebirth of all life on our planet. It is a time for celebration. The equinox is when the daylight and nighttime hours are approximately of equal duration all … Continue reading

Spring golf is here now!

Daylight Saving Time (DST) begins this Sunday, March 13th at 2:00am signaling the beginning of longer daylight hours and more time to play golf. DST is the practice of setting the clocks forward one hour from standard time during the … Continue reading

How do I get my golf game back?

What do the pros do when they shoot a round in the 80’s in a tournament? This means of course, that they have “shot themselves in the foot” and are out of the tournament. Embrace a positive attitude Pros understand … Continue reading

Practice Your Golf Swing Indoors

Here in western North Carolina the weather has not been conducive for playing golf. We experienced a blizzard that dropped over a foot of snow and then a week later we had an ice storm that kept us indoors for … Continue reading

Winter is a good time to practice your golf game

The key to success in all athletics is to practice, practice, practice! You have heard the statement many times that “practice makes perfect.” What is missing in that statement is that only PERFECT PRACTICE makes perfect. The only place you … Continue reading

What do you love about playing golf?

February is the month when we turn our attention to the feeling of love in our hearts. Universally, Valentine’s Day on the 14th of February is designated as a day to show our love to others through gift giving. Valentine … Continue reading

How can I develop a consistent tempo in my golf swing?

I once asked Barbara Romack, LPGA what she thought about on the first tee of a tournament. She had a one word answer; TEMPO. Having good tempo in your golf swing is mental as well as physical. Along with having … Continue reading

Do you only have fun when you are playing golf well?

When you are what you do…. and then you don’t….. you aren’t. This statement says that if you put all of your self worth into playing well, and then you don’t play well, you lose your self esteem/confidence. How important … Continue reading

Open the door to your golf game potential

It’s that time again…. A new year…. A chance to reorganize and begin again with a fresh new outlook. Did you accomplish your golf goals for 2015? If you didn’t, it is time to begin forming your plan to decide … Continue reading