Category Archives: More Mental Golf Tips

Discipline your mind to control your future actions on the golf course

“Just how do you leave the bad shot behind?” This is a question someone in my last workshop asked. She understood how important it is to release thoughts about mishit shots so you don’t sabotage future shots… but she wanted to … Continue reading

Eliminate negative thoughts on the golf course

“How can I eliminate the negative thought that enters my mind when I am getting ready to hit a shot?” Negative thoughts come up from your unconscious mind where everything you have ever heard, seen, felt, tasted, or smelled is … Continue reading

How to take your consistent golf swing from the range to the course

A lot has been written about why golfers have good warm up sessions on the range and then play poorly on the golf course. It became very obvious visually when Peter Kostis used video to analyze Tiger Woods’ swing on … Continue reading

How can I focus in the moment on the golf course?

The way to focus your mind in the present is by using a consistent pre-shot routine on every shot whether it is a tee shot or a putt. Having the same preparation routine for every shot sets you up correctly and … Continue reading

Proverbs are a good belief system for golf

“If you stay positive, you have a shot at a silver lining.”  These words are spoken by actor Bradley Cooper in the Oscar nominated movie “Silver Linings Playbook.” Every cloud has a silver lining Every cloud has a silver lining means … Continue reading

Be prepared for playing golf in the current heat wave

The heat wave in the United States continues. 29 million people are under a heat advisory today. Golfers will be out playing in this intense heat. As you sweat from the heat and exercise, you lose body fluids. Your mental … Continue reading

Clear your mind before hitting a golf shot

“How can I eliminate the negative thought that enters my mind when I am getting ready to hit a shot?” Negative thoughts come up from your unconscious mind where everything you have ever heard, seen, felt, tasted, or smelled is … Continue reading

What is the inner game of golf?

The inner game of golf is made up of the mental beliefs you have of your self and your abilities that surface in your performances on the golf course. A good mental attitude is achieved when you learn the skills to decrease … Continue reading

How can I clear my mind before a round of golf?

Determine first what your mental stumbling blocks are. Take note of your limiting thoughts about the golf course or how you view your upcoming round. For example, you might say, “I worry about playing with others who are better than … Continue reading

Use a Consistent Golf Routine for Consistent Results

Golfers always ask why they can’t take their golf swings from the practice range to the golf course after they hit the ball so well when warming up, and then play terribly on the golf course. One of the reasons … Continue reading