Category Archives: More Mental Golf Tips

How to take your game from the range to the course

“How can I hit the ball so well on the range, be confident, and then play poorly on the golf course?” It is likely you prepare for your shots differently in the two places, but expect the same results. On … Continue reading

How can I block out negative thoughts on the golf course?

In our memory bank stored in the unconscious mind are negative thoughts and well as positive thoughts. From time to time random thoughts will pop up into our conscious minds. Normally we don’t block out positive thoughts. We just listen to them … Continue reading

3 Mental Skills to Use for Consistent Golf

“My biggest problem is consistency.  How can I play more consistently?” Every golfer wants to play consistently all the time. However, golf like us, is defined more by its diversity than by its sameness. To play consistently, you would need to allow … Continue reading

Use Patience to Eliminate Emotional Mistakes

                             We live in the 21st century where we have instant gratification from using technology that gives us what we want right now. For example,  We don’t have to get up from our chair to change a TV channel. … Continue reading

Practice your “up and down” shots for lower scores

On the range you will notice that most golfers are practicing their full swings. If you want to score better, you need to practice the shots you use the most. For all levels of golfers, full shots from the driver … Continue reading

“How can I feel secure when putting?”

When you feel insecure it is probably because you have put too much importance on getting the ball into the hole and are focusing on a certain score.  Certainly it is frustrating to miss a putt.  Missing is part of the game.  The more … Continue reading

Lower your scores by changing your limiting thoughts

Like an eagle, you can soar to your highest potential by changing your limiting thoughts.  Limiting thoughts I heard on the golf course: These yardage markers on the driving range are not accurate. The speed on the putting green is not the … Continue reading

Concentration is the art of playing great golf

Concentration is a skill that you can develop as well as any professional. Golf is called a mental game because you need to manage your thoughts to play well. Internal or external distractions keep golfers from playing at their peak performance … Continue reading

Fearless Golf

“I would like to enjoy golf to its fullest, but I worry about each shot.  How can I stop worrying?” Worry is a form of fear The only way to get rid of the fear is to go out and … Continue reading

Relax your mind & body for lower golf scores

“My biggest problem is relaxing over the golf ball. How can I do that?” To be confident and to play at your best, you have to be relaxed. You can relax by learning the natural, correct way to breathe by expanding … Continue reading