Category Archives: More Mental Golf Tips

Practice on the golf range to develop confidence

“How can I develop the confidence to believe and trust that I am a better golfer than how I am currently playing?”   Confidence develops when you hit a particular shot successfully many times and you know you are capable of … Continue reading

How do I prepare mentally to play golf?

The first thing to do is to determine what your mental stumbling blocks are. Take note of your limiting thoughts about the golf course or how you view your upcoming round. For example, you might think, “I worry about playing with … Continue reading

Eliminate negative thoughts on the golf course

“How can I eliminate the negative thought that enters my mind when I am getting ready to hit a shot?” Negative thoughts come up from your unconscious mind where everything you have ever heard, seen, felt, tasted, or smelled is … Continue reading

See the Silver Lining in your golf game

 “If you stay positive, you have a shot at a silver lining.”   These words are spoken by actor Bradley Cooper in the 2013 Oscar nominated movie “Silver Linings Playbook.”  Every dark cloud has a silver lining Every cloud has a silver … Continue reading

How can I concentrate better on the golf course?

There are different ways to focus during a round of golf. Players like Ben Hogan concentrated on his game for the entire round by not talking to anyone and by not thinking about anything else. If you find that you lose your focus … Continue reading

Golfer needs more confidence

 “My biggest problem in golf is lack of confidence. How can I convince myself that I am capable?”    “Confidence has to be the golfer’s greatest single weapon…if he believes he can get the ball into the hole, a lot of … Continue reading

The Uniqueness of 12-12-12

Today is the unique calendar day of 12-12-12 which will never happen again. Consecutive calendar dates won’t happen again for 88 years when it will be 01-01-01. An estimated 7.500 brides will make it a memorable day by marrying today, a … Continue reading

The Perfect Gift for your Golf Game

Would you like to see your kids, grandkids or yourself achieve success by mastering the mental game of golf? Make a permanent change Like your will power, “blocking out” a negative thought only works temporarily while you are thinking about it. … Continue reading

Are you ready for winter golf?

When you play in tournaments, you have to play in the rain until the greenskeeper or tournament chairman determines the course unfit for play. I remember playing in the USGA Senior Women’s Amateur at Sea Island when the wind was … Continue reading

Improve your golf game with an attitude of gratitude

Thanksgiving Day here in the USA is a time when we give thanks for the abundance in our lives. Thankfulness, gratitude, or appreciation is a positive feeling of the heart that acknowledges what we have received or what we are … Continue reading