Category Archives: More Mental Golf Tips

How can I concentrate better on the golf course?

The ability to focus your mind is all-important in achieving a successful performance. For most people, concentration constantly shifts from outside yourself between shots to inside yourself for the actual shots. There are different ways to concentrate during a round … Continue reading

How can I keep a good golf round going?

Don’t add up your score until the round is over.           It is important to continue doing what you were doing to get the good round going. Don’t analyze your round or press to try and accomplish more. Thinking about … Continue reading

For consistency, anchor your best shots with emotion

When I was meditating this morning, memories of long ago golf shots surfaced. I pictured the first time I visualized a shot that came off exactly as I had imagined it. I was 10 yards behind a 30-foot evergreen tree … Continue reading

Be ready for that pressure putt with these 5 actions

Putting is a game within a game. It is the part of the game where the ball never leaves the ground. It is the only sport where the ball finishes below ground. Putting is an art form that requires you … Continue reading

How can I overcome the first tee jitters?

Performance anxiety begins on the first tee when every shot counts. Anxiety about what might go wrong causes tight, tense muscles, which then produce off-line shots.  To be confident on the first tee, you have to be thinking positively, be … Continue reading

How can I eliminate negative thoughts that enter my mind?

Negative thoughts come up from your unconscious mind where everything you have ever heard, seen, felt, tasted, or smelled is recorded.Your unconscious mind works like a computer. It records everything without judging or analyzing it. When you encounter a situation, … Continue reading

How can I hit the ball so well on the range, be confident, and then play poorly on the golf course?

It is likely you prepare for your shots differently in the two places, but expect the same results. On the wide-open range, most golfers are not concerned with the mental discipline that is required for scoring. Then on the golf … Continue reading

How do I become more consistent in my golf game?

“My biggest problem is not being consistent. I will hit two good shots and then miss one. How can I be more consistent in my golf game?”  Golf is a mirror of who you are off the golf course. During … Continue reading

How do you know if you need mental coaching for your golf game?

Most golfers don’t believe they need mental instruction even though they repeatedly say that golf is a “mental game” when they make a mistake.  Here are some mental weaknesses to help you decide: When you aren’t able to take your game … Continue reading

Mental tips for overcoming performance anxiety

How can I hit the ball so well on the practice tee, be confident, and then fall apart on the golf course? Performance anxiety in the game of golf begins on the first tee where every shot counts. Anxiety causes … Continue reading