Category Archives: Mental Golf Newsletters

Words of wisdom from winning golf pros

It has been raining for several days here in western North Carolina and the golf courses are closed. It is a good time to reminisce about how playing golf enhances our lives. The thing that unites us all on the … Continue reading

Change your state of mind for peak performances

Do you really love to play golf? Does playing golf bring you joy every time you play? Your state of mind is your mood or mental state at a particular time. Our emotional states dictate how we feel. The lowest energy … Continue reading


The first time I encountered the “good-good” expression was in the Coral Ridge international match play tournament in Boca Raton, Florida.  On the third hole, my opponent’s ball was about one foot beyond mine on the putting green and she … Continue reading

Mental golf reminders to access your peak performances

The 2015 golf tournament season is winding down now with winners being decided in club championships all the way up to the President’s Cup being played in South Korea this week. Whether you are playing in an individual competition or a … Continue reading

Did you accomplish your golf dreams this summer?

Dreaming about what you want to accomplish in golf will not bring it about. A dream is a manifestation of what your fondest desire is. To make your dream happen, you need to let go of the fears that hold … Continue reading

The Soldheim Cup brings up deep uncomfortable emotions

Congratulations to the US Women’s golf team who created history last weekend by overcoming a 10-6 deficit with a record shattering win of the 2015 Soldheim Cup 14-1/2 to 13-1/2 over the defending European Women’s’ team. Besides being remembered for … Continue reading

How do I play one shot at a time?

Focusing or concentrating in the moment is a skill that you can develop as well as any golf professional. Golf is called a mental game because you need to manage your thoughts and emotions to play well. Internal or external … Continue reading

Tension is the #1 killer of your golf swing

If you are too tense you will lose the freedom of an easy, rhythmic swing which produces the consistent power that you desire. The unwanted tension instead will cause tight muscles to produce a rushed,  jerky swing. Telling yourself to … Continue reading

New CD: Master Your Golf Short Game for Low Scores

If you are struggling with your short game, or want to lower your scores, this new CD “Master Your Short Game for Low Scores” is for you. You can order now at Your subconscious mind that controls your autonomic … Continue reading

Why do I keep screwing up the same hole on my home golf course?

You have an internal trigger that is activated when you approach the hole you have screwed up before.  A trigger is something that produces a memory of a past event(s). It can be a good memory or an upsetting memory. … Continue reading