Category Archives: Mental Golf Newsletters

Do you need help with your mental game?

It has been my pleasure to share my insights into the mental game of golf from decades of research and personal experience competing in national and international amateur golf championships. The information I have written about is entirely about the mental-emotional-spiritual … Continue reading

Play golf with your heart

February is the month when we turn our attention to the feeling of love in our hearts.  Universally the 14th of February is designated as a day to show our love to others through gift giving. Perhaps this year you can … Continue reading

Feel the joy of playing golf in your heart

February is the month of love. The feeling of love comes from your heart. The feeling of hitting a perfect golf shot resonates in your heart. Discounting that feeling by judging the result keeps you in your thinking mind. Love … Continue reading

Develop confidence with affirmations of self belief

Confidence in your golf game comes from both physical and mental training. Begin now to let go of the self-talk that sabotages your self-confidence on the golf course, and affirm daily your belief in yourself and in your abilities. You … Continue reading

Is Your Mental Golf Game Half Full or Half Empty?

Do your belief codes formed in your childhood keep you from being optimistic about your golf game? Since you were born you have been conditioned to be negative. You were repeatedly told what not to do or why something could … Continue reading

A New Beginning for your Mental Golf Game

Happy New Year! Welcome to January, the beginning of the New Year and a fresh start to your life and your golf game. I trust that 2015 is off to a satisfying start for you. Now is the time for … Continue reading

Christmas is about gifts

During this holiday season I send my heartfelt gratitude and thanks to all of you for your continued support in my mission to help golfers achieve joy, peace and awarenesses in their lives and in their golf games. In this spirit is … Continue reading

Golf is an inner mind game

The month of December signals the end of the year and forecasts the beginning of a new year. As this year draws to a close, now is the time to reflect about what you learned and what you did or did not … Continue reading

Is self doubt sabotaging your golf game?

Self-doubt surfaces in many ways when you are playing golf. Lack of confidence is one of the beliefs that golfers struggle with. Self doubt is triggered by expectations that are not fulfilled, a bad shot, an unexpected score, a lack … Continue reading

The Spirit of the Game of Golf

Anyone who has ever played the game of golf knows that it is different from all other sports and games. Besides the intricacy of combining one’s body parts to be in sync to approach the ball squarely, it is mostly … Continue reading