Category Archives: Mental Golf Newsletters

Develop an attitude of gratitude for golf

Happy Thanksgiving America! The official holiday season in the US begins tomorrow, November 27th with our celebration of Thanksgiving Day. It is our national holiday when we show our gratitude and appreciation for life; for all the blessings that we … Continue reading

Are you aware of your subconscious thoughts destroying your golf game?

Over the last 22 years I have been helping golfers and other athletes learn how to perform at their peak performance levels through an understanding and awareness of Self. The mental game of golf is not about being stronger mentally, … Continue reading

What is your fondest dream for your golf game?

Dreaming about what you want to accomplish in golf will not bring it about. A dream is a manifestation of what your fondest desire is. To make your dream happen, you need to let go of the fears that hold … Continue reading

Eliminate tension in your golf game

When you don’t trust yourself and your golf swing, your trust turns to doubt and that doubt creates tension. Tension is the most common physical cause of making mistakes in the golf swing. Eliminating tension needs to be a key … Continue reading

Positive beliefs to achieve success in your golf game

One of the keys for creating your successful performances is by developing high self-esteem. Self-esteem is your overall sense of self worth. You can increase your self-esteem by removing your fears of failure and not being good enough. This involves … Continue reading

Fall is a wonderful time to play golf

Fall is a beautiful time of year here in western North Carolina. It is magical to see the green leaves reaching their peak colors of red, yellow and orange before they begin to fall to the ground. Fall golf always … Continue reading

Attract positive energy into your golf game

Working with golfers to help them achieve their golf goals is fun for me. Due to the joyous feeling golfers experience when hitting pure shots, they are disciplined, dedicated and have an intense desire to experience that awesome feeling more … Continue reading

What do you believe that keeps you from low golf scores?

A belief is acceptance of the actuality of anything without certain proof. Our beliefs control everything in our lives. We consciously accept and focus upon our beliefs, never questioning them because the results look so real. Henry Ford said, “Believe … Continue reading

Are you relaxed enough to play great golf?

We live in a world of hype that plays up tantalizing dramas that get our adrenaline rushing. Whether is it golf, sports. news, advertisements, or politics, we are bombarded with sensationalism daily to get our attention. To play golf at … Continue reading

Take your best swing from the range to the golf course

It is likely you prepare for your shots differently in the two places, but expect the same results. On the wide-open range, most golfers are not concerned with the mental discipline that is required for scoring. Then on the golf … Continue reading