Category Archives: Mental Golf Newsletters

Are you in control of your golf game?

Playing at your peak performance levels means managing your thoughts and emotions to your best advantage. While most people think these are two separate entities, they are entwined. In order to have control over your swing and your game you … Continue reading

Play Golf With a Quiet, Alert Mind

When you started out playing golf you probably had a different reason than you do now. You probably were intrigued with the first shot you hit perfectly on the sweet spot that sent a warm, fuzzy feeling inside…. and you … Continue reading

Do you have enough patience to play golf?

Camilo Villegas was 254th in the world rankings when he entered the Wyndham Championship in Greensboro, N.C. on August 11th. He had dropped from 7th place in 2008 and hadn’t won a tournament in over 4 years. In 2012 he … Continue reading

Model your golf game on success

Modeling is the basis of Neuro Linguistic Programming. NLP is the study of the internal maps in successful people’s brains, and then modeling their patterns of successful behaviors. Children are the most accelerated learners. For children everything is new. They … Continue reading


Over the past decades that I have worked with golfers, I always ask the question; why do you play golf? The general answers I receive usually include: the challenge of the game because I am good at it, or want … Continue reading

Do you really love to play golf?

The feeling of love comes from your heart. The feeling of hitting a perfect golf shot resonates in your heart. Discounting that feeling by judging the result keeps you in your thinking mind. One of the mental keys for successful … Continue reading


All golfers are familiar with the saying “paralysis by analysis.” When you are thinking about how to swing your club, you are not playing the game of golf. You are playing practice range golf. The key to playing good golf … Continue reading

Are your emotions controlling your golf game?

Do you believe in yourself? Emotions show what you are thinking about yourself and your golf game. If you are playing golf and have missed two or three opportunities to make a birdie putt (either net or gross) on the … Continue reading

Martin Kaymer’s Wire-to-Wire US Open Win

Martin Kaymer’s route to victory at the Players’ Championship on Mother’s Day and the runaway US Open Championship win on Father’s Day at Pinehurst was carefully planned and executed with precision.   In February 2011 Kaymer became the No. 1 player … Continue reading

Train your brain to stay in the present

Staying in the present moment or in the NOW is the key to playing well. Eliminate all distractions either outside of you or internally by focusing 100% on what you are doing. When you are driving your car and miss … Continue reading