Category Archives: Mental Golf Newsletters

How can I change my attitude about missing short putts?

Here in the northeast US, the official summer season has ended. Fall made its debut on Sunday with the days and nights equal at 12 hours each. The leaves on the trees are turning yellow and beginning to fall. The … Continue reading

How do I keep from letting someone else’s behavior affect my golf game?

What do you do when you are paired in golf with a person whose behavior bothers you? This is a question I am always asked in my workshops. Because we have so much free time to think during a round, … Continue reading

How do I get ready to play golf when I don’t have time to go to the range?

This is a question I am asked frequently. When a golfer is running late and doesn’t have time to hit balls on the range, they are usually anxious about what to do on the first tee. The ideal would be … Continue reading

The more fun you have, the better you will play

Most golfers rely on playing well to have fun. I believe that the opposite is true. You will have fun when you are at ease, focused and enjoying what you are doing. How then do you have fun?  Children have fun … Continue reading

Do you really believe you deserve to win?

On a deep level of feeling, most golfers believe that they don’t deserve to be the winner. They will point to golfers who are better than they are. In order to play at your best, you need to believe in … Continue reading

How can I play golf well in the rain?

2013 may prove to be the wettest year ever in Western North Carolina with 30 inches of rain having fallen so far. It is raining now and the forecast is for more severe thunderstorms and flash flooding. Many parts of … Continue reading

How can I learn to play in windy conditions?

Golf is a game played outdoors. Because it is always played out in the open, weather conditions can increase the difficulty of play. The wind can push a slight fade or draw headed for the center of the green into … Continue reading

How do you best learn the game of golf?

There is a lot of talk on social media from mental coaches about visualization for golfers as a prime ingredient of the mental game of golf. As I explained in my archived newsletter, visualization is not the same for … Continue reading

Anger Management on the Golf Course

The first time I encountered someone’s anger with golf was when I was first learning the golf swing. I had a friend who was taking lessons with me. She phoned me one night after a lesson and said she had … Continue reading

Tension is the #1 swing wrecker

When nervous, frustrated or angry in a pressure packed golf situation, golfers tend to mentally and physically freeze, tense their bodies and hold their breath. When there is tension, the body cannot move smoothly and efficiently. Tension can cause a … Continue reading