Category Archives: Mental Golf Newsletters

Self-discipline for the golfer’s mind

Serious golfers are much disciplined in trying to perfect their golf swings. They take lessons from pros, have their swings videotaped and analyzed, and practice drills for what they are told needs to be corrected. When I ask how much … Continue reading

Trust is necessary for peak performances

Golf is 90% mental.  At the professional level, golf is probably closer to 100% mental.  You have heard these statements said over and over.  What exactly does that mean? In any sport you must train your mind as well as … Continue reading

How to take your game from the range to the course

“How can I hit the ball so well on the range, be confident, and then play poorly on the golf course?” It is likely you prepare for your shots differently in the two places, but expect the same results. On … Continue reading

How can I block out negative thoughts on the golf course?

In our memory bank stored in the unconscious mind are negative thoughts and well as positive thoughts. From time to time random thoughts will pop up into our conscious minds. Normally we don’t block out positive thoughts. We just listen to them … Continue reading

Align your body correctly for consistent ball striking

The fundamentals of golf include the grip, stance, posture, ball position and alignment. Of these basic fundamentals, the most important, and possibly the one most overlooked by amateurs, is the alignment of your body and aim of the clubface. You … Continue reading

3 Mental Skills to Use for Consistent Golf

“My biggest problem is consistency.  How can I play more consistently?” Every golfer wants to play consistently all the time. However, golf like us, is defined more by its diversity than by its sameness. To play consistently, you would need to allow … Continue reading

Use Patience to Eliminate Emotional Mistakes

                             We live in the 21st century where we have instant gratification from using technology that gives us what we want right now. For example,  We don’t have to get up from our chair to change a TV channel. … Continue reading

Practice your “up and down” shots for lower scores

On the range you will notice that most golfers are practicing their full swings. If you want to score better, you need to practice the shots you use the most. For all levels of golfers, full shots from the driver … Continue reading

Are your golf dreams passing you by?

Dreaming about what you want to accomplish in golf will not bring it about. A dream is a manifestation of what your fondest desires are. To make your dreams happen, you need to let go of the fears that hold … Continue reading

“How can I feel secure when putting?”

When you feel insecure it is probably because you have put too much importance on getting the ball into the hole and are focusing on a certain score.  Certainly it is frustrating to miss a putt.  Missing is part of the game.  The more … Continue reading