Category Archives: Mental Golf Newsletters

Take the fear out of important putts

The winners of the 2018 Ryder Cup matches were once again determined by the most important putts made at the most crucial times. Over and over again we watched the American team miss make able putts to lose holes. In … Continue reading

Life Lessons Learned on the Golf Course

I remember as a beginner the hardest part of learning to hit the golf ball was getting all the parts of my body moving together. This was an unnatural movement as it was done sideways like hitting a baseball, but … Continue reading

Model Your Golf Game on Successful Behaviors

Model your golf game on success Modeling is the basis of Neuro Linguistic Programming. NLP is the study of the internal maps in successful people’s brains, and then modeling their patterns of successful behaviors. Children are the most accelerated learners. … Continue reading

Program Your Mind for Successful Golf

We are all creating our own reality. There is a universal law that states that like attracts like. This law of attraction is constantly running within us and does exactly what you are thinking. When we feel negative experiences like … Continue reading

Breathe Your Way to Better Golf

 The best state for performing to your golf game potential is when your body is relaxed and your mind is alert and focused. Deep breathing is the way to access this state. “Natural Relaxed Breathing*  THE WAY YOU breathe can … Continue reading

Plan your golf and play your plan

Plan your work and work your plan, is a mental strategy you can develop to improve your golf performances. Since golf is a game, I choose to use the word play instead of work. Even if you have played your home … Continue reading

Prepare now for your return to the golf course

Daylight Saving Time has sprung forward giving golfers an extra hour of daylight to play golf. It also means that now is the time to prepare mentally and physically for your return to the golf course. When you have not … Continue reading

How can I concentrate in the moment on the golf course?

“OUTCOME VS. PROCESS THINKING* Focusing on the process means staying in the moment, concentrating on one shot at a time, and thinking only about the things you can control. The process-oriented golfer knows he cannot control anything outside of himself. … Continue reading

Indecision is a mental challenge for golfers

The decisions we make in our lives reflect the choices we make. This is especially true on the golf course. Although we have hit each club in the bag hundreds of times, every situation on the course requires a new … Continue reading

How to manage your scoring expectations on the golf course

Have you ever played a round of golf without making a mistake? Tour Pros who are the best golfers in the world, average hitting fairways only 60% of the time.  Amateur scratch golfers average 10.26 greens hit per round. However, … Continue reading