Develop an attitude of gratitude

The official holiday season in the US begins tomorrow, November 28th with our celebration of Thanksgiving Day. It is a national holiday when we give thanks for all the blessings that we have received and are about to receive. For those of us in western North Carolina it will be a white Thanksgiving. The ground here is covered with snow.

Although there won’t be any golf for a few days, it is a good time to reflect on the progress you have made in your personal growth from your experiences on the golf course.

Gratitude is a state of being. It is a feeling in your heart that can transform your thinking and your body. This state of gratitude is where you can balance the chaos that seems to be in the world around you. Take the time to find the balance between your heart and your will to make things happen. Remember why you love to play golf.

If you have a tendency to look at your golf game with a critical eye and only notice what didn’t happen as you wished, it is time to look at the successes that you had. No golfer’s game is all good or all bad. Writing down what you enjoyed will bring back memories of the good times you had on the golf course in the past year. Be aware of how this makes you feel different.

Happiness is an attitude you can make in every moment. A key to feeling happy is gratitude. When you are thankful for whatever experience you are having, your whole being energetically opens to the possibility of feeling happiness.

Like every aspect of your golf game, repetition is necessary for success. Decide to spend time being grateful in every moment. The more you practice being grateful, you will develop an awareness of appreciating small everyday experiences.

When you arise in the morning,
give thanks for the morning light, for your life and strength.
Give thanks for your food, and the joy of living.
If you see no reason for giving thanks, the fault lies with yourself.
– Tecumseh

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