Some of the most popular New Year’s resolutions are; to eat healthy food, get fit, lose weight, drink less alcohol, and to manage stress. By managing these areas you can not only get healthier, you can improve your mental golf game to lower your scores. Healthy nutrition is something which many people do not associate with golf because golf is such a social game.

Good nutritional habits can help you on the golf course both physically and mentally. The proper balance of food groups can give you great performance results. Poor food choices can create fatigue, frustration, and depression with your game, and yourself.

• Do you have trouble recovering after taking a big number on a hole?

• Do you have trouble getting started again on the 10th hole?

• Do you have a letdown and feel tired around the 14-15th holes?

You may have experienced these letdowns due to a carbohydrate/sugar drop in energy. When our bodies experience mental or physical fatigue, the tendency is to swing the golf club faster or harder to make up for the lack of energy. This usually results in a jerky or rushed swing producing pushed or pulled shots.

Everything in the universe operates in cycles. Nothing stays at peak performance at all times. To maintain high performance levels and to avoid feeling down requires proper sustenance of the body. Here are some suggestions for keeping your bio-chemical body physically, mentally, and emotionally stable so you have the energy to produce your best performances throughout the entire round.

Before practice/teeing it up: Eat a diet high in protein and complex carbohydrates and low in saturated fat. Proteins promote increased alertness, and the ability to make decisions under pressure. My favorite protein breakfast is turkey sausage, egg whites scrambled with broccoli or spinach. Oatmeal with raisins and cinnamon is a good complex carb breakfast.

During the round. It is important to stabilize your blood levels to have as much energy at the end of the round as you do at the beginning. Do not eat sugary foods. Sugar raises your glucose levels causing the production of insulin. Your muscles will feel energized for a short period of time before the insulin reduces the glucose below the original level and your brain will be starved for energy. It will then crave more sugar for energy. Good combinations for energy are peanut butter and apple or trail mix, bananas, raisins or dried fruit. Fruit will release energy slowly. If you like granola bars, do not eat the whole bar all at once. Take a couple of bites after each hole to release the energy consistently. Drink 6 ounces of water every two holes to stay hydrated. Avoid sports and energy drinks unless you water them down as they are loaded with energy draining sugar.

After the round. It is important to replenish your energy and muscle stores by eating carbohydrates, protein and fat. Include fresh fruits, vegetables and healthy fats like nuts, avocado, olive oil, and coconut oil. The Mediterranean Diet is an excellent source for menu ideas.

Take the time to enjoy the foods you eat. Just as you give your pre-shot routine and golf game your full attention, love what you eat by savoring the taste, smell, color and texture of each food. Your body will then know that you are nurturing it, helping it to digest the foods easily to fuel your muscles and keep your nervous system balanced.

Improve your golf game over the winter by listening to PMI self-hypnosis CDs in the privacy of your own home. Order today at Learn how to play on automatic pilot “in the zone” for your peak performances.

Contact Joan at or 828.696.2547 for a free 15-minute consultation. Learn what is missing in your game so you can achieve the success you desire.

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