Is the hot weather ruining your golf game?

The US has been experiencing severe weather all summer with extreme heat and humidity. A couple of weeks ago I encountered the effects of this scorching heat. As I stood over my ball I was dizzy and the ball seemed to waver. It was very difficult to swing a club or putt when I felt faint. I later discovered that it was due to the imbalance of my electrolytes; the potassium, calcium, bicarbonate combination that is vital for the normal functioning of our bodies. I have a healthy organic nutritional diet but was still lacking in these electrolytes.

It is important to maintain your electrolyte balance at all times, especially in the summer when the temperatures are soaring. Without the right amount of electrolytes you can also experience weak muscles or muscle cramps. Fresh fruits and vegetables which are plentiful now are rich in electrolytes. The most important ingredient is to keep your body hydrated by drinking copious amounts of water.

Since I do play under these severe heat conditions, I now begin to hydrate my body a couple of days previously by drinking water and other drinks with electrolytes in them. As you sweat you lose body fluids which cause a reduction in your physical and mental performance if they aren’t replaced. I also drink these fluids constantly on the golf course.

Make sure your golf game won’t suffer by using the following strategies:

  1. Wear loose fitting or sun protective clothing. LPGA Tour gals can be seen wearing the new soft and breathable long sleeves under their golf shirts that circulate air and also protect them from the sun. These new fabrics are actually cooler than short sleeve shirts because it keeps the direct sun off your skin.

2.  Protect yourself from the sun. Wear a hat, sunglasses and sunscreen to protect yourself from the sun’s ultraviolet radiation. Using a silver sun umbrella will reflect the sun’s UV rays and keep you cooler. This is a necessity if there isn’t much shade on your golf course.

  1. Keep hydrated. Start your day with two glasses of water to replace what you lost 3. Keep hydrated. Start your day with two glasses of water to replace what you lost overnight. Drink cool water constantly on course, not ice water. Remember when Jack Nicklaus had stomach cramps from drinking ice water during a tournament?

4.  Use sunscreen. Be sure to re-apply sunscreen that absorbs or reflects the ultraviolet rays of the sun at the end of nine holes. Golfers with light skin are more susceptible to sun damage than darker skin.

  1. Do not take salt tablets. Salt tablets drain water from your body and make dehydration worse. Juices and sodas contain more than 10% sugar and are not absorbed well during exercise.

6.  Maintain your electrolyte balance. Electrolytes are lost in sweat and must be replaced to keep the electrolyte concentrations of your body fluids constant. This is important to keep your nerves, muscles and heart working properly. Sports drinks replace electrolytes but also contain carbohydrate (sugar) calories.

For additional information on preparing your body for extreme weather conditions, read the July 2010 newsletter, “Healthy Nutrition for Enhanced Mental Golf Energy” and the June 2011 newsletter “Hydration is necessary for Mental Golf Focus” at

 Play “In the Zone” With Joan

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If this article is helpful to you, and you want to learn more, call Joan for a complimentary 15-minute consultation about improving your mental game. She can be reached by phone at 828.696.2547, by email or through the Positive Mental Imagery website or blog.

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