Is Your Mental Golf Game Half Full or Half Empty?

Do your belief codes formed in your childhood keep you from being optimistic about your golf game? Since you were born you have been conditioned to be negative. You were repeatedly told what not to do or why something could not be done. In your early childhood years you were told you were not good enough more times than you were told what you could accomplish.

The expression of seeing a glass half full of water instead of half empty indicates an optimistic outlook. Are you optimistic about your game only when you are playing well? Or can you reframe your point of view when you aren’t playing well to see that there may also be opportunities to excel?

Most golfers talk about their golf games as “half empty.” They are more concerned with talking about what didn’t or isn’t happening the way they wanted it. Begin to question the old learned self-imposed beliefs of lack and limitation that are sabotaging your success. In every round of golf we all get to choose whether we are going to be a glass half-full or a glass half-empty person. Allow yourself to learn and know you have the ability to change your mindset and move toward success instead of away from it.

“The victim mindset dilutes the human potential. By not accepting personal responsibility for our circumstances, we greatly reduce our power to change them.” – Steve Maraboli

Overcome the fear of failure 

Feeling fearful on the golf course shows a mental vulnerability that you have created to produce a rush of adrenaline. Instead of becoming fearful and afraid of the outcome, create a scenario to keep yourself in the present moment by “acting as if” what you want is happening, and saying “I can do it.”  Relieve the tension by focusing on someone or something you love that will cause you to smile inwardly. Moving from the feeling of fear to the higher energy of love will open the doors of opportunity and energize your play in a positive way. Your mental attitude is completely under your control.

“The more you let your mind dwell on negatives, of whatever type, the larger they grow and the greater the risk that you will convert them into excuses.  I have preferred to save my energy for finding solutions to problematical conditions, rather than waste it on whining.”   — Jack  Nicklaus

Fear only has power as you give it power and think that it might be true. Practice the art of letting go of fear thoughts. Keep your attention in the present by emptying your mind of the past and future, and allow your body to do what it knows to do when you aren’t mentally interfering. Fill your glass full with self-empowering beliefs of your potential and successful endeavors.

Play “in the zone” with Joan

Entrain Your Heart & Mind for Peak Performances

To entrain your heart and brain to play your best golf, listen to the Positive Mental Imagery self-hypnosis guided imagery CDs in the privacy of your own home; available at






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