Lower your scores by changing your limiting thoughts

Like an eagle, you can soar to your highest potential by changing your
limiting thoughts.

Limiting thoughts I heard on the golf course:

  • These yardage markers on the driving range are not accurate.
  • The speed on the putting green is not the same as the greens on the course.
  • It’s too cold and windy to play well.
  • My putts aren’t going in today.
  • This bad hole has ruined my score.
  • It’s going to be that kind of (bad) day.
  • This is not my kind of course.
  • I don’t expect to get better because I am getting older.

When you hit the golf ball, you always get what you think. 

If you find yourself saying any of these, these beliefs are running in your subconscious mind and it will produce those results. Our beliefs control everything in our lives.

If you say a limiting belief, your subconscious mind doesn’t know if you are kidding or feeling sorry for yourself. It takes all thoughts literally and stores them as the truth for what you want.

Begin to look and listen to what you are saying and doing from a higher perspective. Before you react to an emotion, take a deep breath and think about what you are going to say. If it is a limiting thought, don’t say it, or change it into a positive thought about what you do want to happen.

If you have trouble changing limiting or negative thinking into positive thoughts, call Joan at 828-696-2547 for a free 15-minute consultation.

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