How can I concentrate better on the golf course?

The ability to focus your mind is all-important in achieving a successful performance. For most people, concentration constantly shifts from outside yourself between shots to inside yourself for the actual shots.

There are different ways to concentrate during a round of golf. Players like Ben Hogan focused on the game during the entire round by not thinking or talking about anything else. If you find that you lose your focus during the round, perhaps it would be better to relax your concentration inbetween shots. Joke with your partners and focus only when it is your turn to hit.

A mind that is busy, restless or indecisive will find it difficult to concentrate on one activity. The first step toward improved concentration would be to quiet your mind using the following steps. 

1. Relax your mind and body with deep breaths

Begin by taking deep breaths to slow down your very active mind and to relax your muscles.

2. Be decisive about your club selection.

Indecision will lead to anxiety and loss of focus. Be decisive about the club you are going to use. Mentally rehearse the shot using positive images. Trust you will hit the shot that you have imagined in your mind.

3. Use your pre-shot routine

When it is your turn to hit, “turn on” your focus by going into your established pre-shot routine to keep your mind from wandering. 

Watching an engrossing movie, your attention is focused on the action. In the same way, planning a golf shot can be just as engrossing. Being engrossed in the process of performing a shot is known as being in the “flow” or “zone state” where peak performances occur.

If you still have trouble concentrating when you are over the ball, call Joan for a complimentary 15-minute consultation. She can be reached by phone at 828.696.2547, or through the Positive Mental Imagery website at Other tools to improve your golf game are available on the website, where you can sign up for a free mental golf newsletter. The PMI self-hypnosis CD, “Concentration for Consistent Golf” is available at

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