How do I overcome the water jinx?

A jinx is defined as an unseen force, a person, or something such as a curse that is thought to bring bad luck. If you are afraid of hitting over a water hazard, you are the person who is creating the mental jinx.

Anything you create, you can un-create.

Golfers create fears by replaying in their minds the past shots hit into the water. Although beginning golfers find this shot intimidating, advanced golfers can also put pressure on themselves in certain situations. The pros that I work with say that the shot they fear the most is hitting a long iron over water to the green.

If you think you will hit the ball in the water……   you probably will.  

Here is the mental golf process to refocus your mind for swinging with confidence:

  1. Picture in your mind the water as being fairway. Your mind is very powerful. You can imagine anything you have seen before. Visualize the water as green grass and imagine playing the shot into a wide open fairway.
  2. Pick a specific landing area over the water. This is important on all shots, but particularly important here to refocus your image of hitting into the water. Focus on the target landing area and not on the water.
  3. Choose a club that will easily carry the water. Be sure you know the width of the hazard and distance the ball has to travel to land on the ground well beyond the water. If you can’t carry the breadth of the water, hit to a spot closer to the edge where you can safely hit over the water to the fairway.
  4. Visualize the shot soaring over the water to the landing area. With the club you have selected, visualize your easygoing swing, see the trajectory of the ball, and see it landing on the spot you have chosen. 
  5. Take deep, deep breaths to relax.  Anxiety will cause your muscles to tighten and your swing to be fast and forceful. Relax your mind and body with deep breaths so you can swing with an easy, smooth, even tempo.

If you use these strategies and find that you are still afraid of hitting over a water hazard, contact Joan for a personal complimentary 15-minute consultation. She can be reached by Skype, by phone at 828.696.2547,  or through the Positive Mental Imagery website at   The PMI self-hypnosis CD, “Fearless Golf” is available at

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