Your core beliefs can destroy your golf game

In rehearsal for last Monday night’s Dancing with the Stars, 47-year-old Olympian ice skater Nancy Kerrigan, tearfully showed her personal core belief of inadequacy when her dancing partner Artem Chigvintsev told her she looked good.

In her skating career Kerrigan was constantly criticized to do better. “Having been judged my whole life, it is hard for me to believe the good,” she said. On DWTS Artem praised her and told her she was beautiful. She left the rehearsal in tears because it was painful… she didn’t believe him.

“I’m always hard on myself. I’ve never had a teacher tell me I was good before. So to hear compliments is really hard,” Kerrigan explained. “He’s (Artem) trying to give me a compliment and I don’t like it. I can’t take it,” she said.

Kerrigan hopes to “become more confident” by having fun doing DWTS.

Your beliefs can limit or expand you 

Golfers who ask me for help when their game has gone south need to realize that they are still holding on to an unconscious self-limiting core belief. If you have fear-based thoughts and emotions like anxiety, anger, self-doubt, insecurity, it means that you still have blockages and limitations in your beliefs.

Discovering your self-limiting core beliefs is like peeling an onion. The outer layer of the onion is the smooth protective skin. As you peel away each layer, there is another  layer underneath. Self-discovery is finding the limiting thoughts and emotions in each layer that keep you from discovering your true inner self of wholeness. For example, anger is not a solitary event as it usually covers up the more dominant emotion of fear.

When you have an intense emotional reaction to an event like Kerrigan did, pay attention to the feeling of discomfort as it is a trigger being activated by your core belief. Peel back the layers of your feelings, tracing back to the source to truly understand yourself.

The golf course will always present new challenges and perceived pressures that bring up fearful emotions. You can practice and practice, but if you don’t change your core belief, you won’t reach your potential. Stress/pressure will bring it out. Release old core beliefs of vulnerability and self-limitation for a greater understanding of yourself. When you truly love yourself and love to play golf regardless of the outcome, you are accessing your true self.

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“THE HEART OF GOLF, Access Your Supreme Intelligence for Peak Performances” explores and explains negative emotions such as fear and performance anxiety, the four Cs of mind blockage, the four progressive stages of learning the supreme intelligence of the heart, and the way to access the zone in competition. It is a player’s guide for developing your true inner self by returning to the joy and love of self instead of seeking praise and rewards from the outside world. 

What is your attitude on the golf course?

Having a good attitude during a round of golf and in your everyday life is essential for success and happiness. Your attitude is just a habit of thought that you have put into your subconscious mind. Your attitude is reflected in your state of mind, your behavior, and your conduct which reflects your opinion or purpose.

“Create a Positive Mental Attitude*

Maintaining a positive attitude is important because it directly impacts your performance. When your negative attitude is stronger than your conscious effort, you will not be able to manifest what you want.

Since early childhood, most of us have been taught values and resulting attitudes that have been framed in the negative. We are so used to expressing ourselves in the negative; it sometimes becomes impossible to think of a positive way of expression.

Are you an optimist or a pessimist? How does hitting a shot out of bounds or into a water hazard affect you? Pessimists internalize the mistake, believing the missed shots will continue and undermine their game. Optimists, on the other hand, believe that a missed shot is only a temporary setback or a challenging situation to overcome. Do you look for solutions or more problems? Do you put the missed shot behind you and continue with your positive strategy?

In aeronautics attitude is the direction of the airplane in relationship to the horizon. Think of attitude in relationship to your goals. If you lean toward your goal, you have a positive attitude. If you lean away, you have a negative goal.

The bad news is that nobody can be positive 100 percent of the time, and perhaps that is one reason why golf scores are inconsistent. The good news is that you can change your attitude, just as you can change any bad habit. Your attitude is your choice. The sooner you decide to choose how you will think positively about yourself and your golf game, the less anxiety you will have and the more you will enjoy your rounds of golf. Don’t waste your round of golf looking at half-empty glasses and making a victim of yourself. Make your round of golf the most enjoyable experience possible.

Your attitude is energy producing and effects your emotional level. I am always surprised at the way people talk to themselves on the golf course and are unaware of the impact of their negative statements. The worst attitude to have is to be judgmental about yourself or your golf game, which is self-rejection. Every time you judge yourself, the pattern in your subconscious mind becomes stronger and you lost more confidence in your ability.

Ben Hogan loved the game and loved to practice. This was his attitude. Is it yours? I have loved playing the game, and practicing it, whether my schedule the next day called for a tournament, or a trip to the practice range. The prospect that there was going to be golf in it, made me privileged and happy. I couldn’t wait for the sun to come up the next morning to play the course again.

*Excerpts are from Chapter 12: Attitudes; “THE HEART OF GOLF,  Access Your Supreme Intelligence for Peak Performances”

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© PositiveMentalImagery 2017– All Rights Reserved

To train your brain to play your best golf, listen to Positive Mental Imagery self-hypnosis guided imagery CDs in the privacy of your own home, available at

If you aren’t able to maintain a positive attitude on the golf course, email Joan at or call 828.696.2547 for a complimentary 15-minute phone consultation about developing a new strategy. Learn what is missing in your golf game so you can achieve the success you desire.








Your Inner Child Determines Your Golf Performance

My self-hypnosis CDs that are most in demand are “Fearless Golf” and “Release from Performance Anxiety.” These two powerful emotions, fear and anxiety, can control our lives and our performances. Golfers are amazed when these emotions pop up in their golf games later on in life. The messages given to us in our childhood of lack and limitation are lodged in our subconscious mind. Peak performances are attained when these beliefs are changed by reparenting yourself.

“Your Inner Child*

Golfers who come to me for help with their mental golf game aren’t aware of the childhood programming that is still controlling their lives.

The inner child is a powerful psychological reality. The destructive programming you took in as a child is now an unconscious part of yourself that can be triggered on the golf course.

As we grow into adulthood, our inner child’s capacity for joy and playfulness is stifled by listening to a society that tells us to act otherwise. Adults tend to believe they have outgrown their childhood fears, angers, traumas, and hurts. These memories and emotions are still active in your unconscious mind unless you have reparented your inner child with the protection of unconditional love and acceptance.

When you are feeling anxious, afraid, or not good enough on the golf course, you are tapping into the emotions of your dissociated inner child. We look for what is missing inside by seeking it in the outside world.

Why is it that achieving in sports is so important?

As adults we can’t expect golf or other people to fill this inner need. When we truly accept and nurture our wounded inner child we will play with our full potential.

Pro golfers who were given an affirming, safe environment to grow up in are Jack Nicklaus, Phil Mickelson, Jordan Spieth, and others. These professional golfers were affirmed as children, and they learned early that there was no limit to what they could accomplish.

I used to have thoughts of authority in my head all the time. I came from an environment of perfectionism where nothing I did was good enough. I thought everyone’s goal was to be the All-American Hero and be perfect. As a result I spent the first forty-eight years of my life looking at what was wrong with me and trying to correct it. I no longer allow any of those thoughts in my head an accept myself as the unique person that I am.

We have all been conditioned to limit ourselves unless we received unconditional acceptance of who we are. All children require is to be loved and accepted just a they are, and they will perform at the peak potential of their God-given talents.

Colin Montgomerie has struggled with winning over his entire career. After he shot a 76 during the 1997 British Open at Royal Troon, his father, James Montgomerie, club secretary, told his son Colin, ‘You’ve let your family down, you’ve let your town down…in fact, you’ve let your country down.’

Criticism leads to guilt, which is the precursor to perfectionism.”

*Excerpts are from Chapter 9: Performance Anxiety; “THE HEART OF GOLF, Access Your Supreme Intelligence for Peak Performances”

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 All royalties will be donated to Junior Golf!

© PositiveMentalImagery 2017– All Rights Reserved

To train your brain to play your best golf, listen to Positive Mental Imagery self-hypnosis guided imagery CDs in the privacy of your own home, available at

If you aren’t able to maintain a positive attitude on the golf course, email Joan at or call 828.696.2547 for a complimentary 15-minute phone consultation about developing a new strategy. Learn what is missing in your golf game so you can achieve the success you desire.




Keep your mind in the present on the golf course

The first step in learning to concentrate and stay in the present moment with the action is to rewire your brain through changing your thoughts. 

The self-talk you have in your head is either voices from your past (fear) that you have chosen to replay on the tape in your head, or thoughts of the future (anxiety) that you expect to happen. Either self-talk will sabotage your golf game.

We have all been conditioned to limit ourselves. We need to change self-limiting beliefs.

The secret for success is believing in yourself!

“The Internal Mind Chatter*

Self-talk is the internal conversation we have with ourselves. Our words affect how we think, how we feel, and how our bodies perform. You can feel calm or fearful depending on what you tell yourself. Your self-talk can influence your self-esteem, outlook, energy level, performance, relationships, and even your health depending on how you handle stressful situations.

The human mind is very busy. Most of us have constant mental chatter going on in our heads. We talk to ourselves all day long, and unfortunately, this self-talk is frequently negative. Often it is tainted with the fear about what we have done in the past happening again, such as hitting a ball into the water, or anxiety (the what ifs) about what we think might happen, like hitting out of bounds on a tight hole. Either self-talk will sabotage your golf game. This negativity can destroy any seed of hope that you may otherwise have in striving for your dreams.

Every choice you make moves you closer to or farther away from success. When you put your thoughts in the negative, you are moving away from your goal. Are you saying yes or no to your choices?

To be successful on the golf course, you must train yourself to substitute positive goal-enhancing thoughts for every thought of fear or anxiety that surfaces. By repeating this process, you can make this a mental habit that will move you toward obtaining your goals. Your mind and physical body will then be freer to play the game of golf.

Program your self-talk toward what you want instead of away from what you don’t want. If you tell yourself not to miss another shot, your subconscious mind will reinforce the missed shot. What you resist, persists. This is called negative hypnotic programming. Focus your dominant thought on what you can do right now.”

*Excerpts are from Chapter 5: Positive Self-Talk; “THE HEART OF GOLF, Access Your Supreme Intelligence for Peak Performances”

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 All royalties will be donated to Junior Golf!

© PositiveMentalImagery 2017– All Rights Reserved

To train your brain to play your best golf, listen to Positive Mental Imagery self-hypnosis guided imagery CDs in the privacy of your own home, available at

If you aren’t able to maintain a positive attitude on the golf course, email Joan at for a complimentary 15-minute phone consultation about developing a new strategy. Learn what is missing in your golf game so you can achieve the success you desire.



What are your beliefs that keep you from low golf scores?

What you believe you will produce in your life and in your golf game

Are you successful because you believe in yourself, or

Do you only believe you are successful when you win?

A strong mental game promotes success when you believe in yourself and your abilities. If you only believe in yourself when you win, you will be disappointed a lot, and will have lost the fun of the challenge of the game.


Our beliefs control everything in our lives. A belief is acceptance of the actuality of something without certain proof. We consciously accept and focus upon our beliefs without questioning them because the results appear to make sense to the rational mind. Your beliefs color your thoughts and experiences and affect your emotions. This determines how you react to situations.

It isn’t the golf shots, putts, or scores that mold your character, it is the way you interpret them. The things that happen to us aren’t nearly as important as the meaning we attach to them. Our beliefs determine what meaning we give to things.

Do you believe that Lady Luck, the environmental conditions, fate, or talent controls golf? I choose to believe that luck is when preparation meets opportunity. 

‘Most people think Slammin’ Sam Snead was born with a perfect, fluid golf swing. Some attribute his superior flexibility to his study and practice of yoga. I believe he would tell us he worked very hard to create his fluid swing. He once said, “I’ve hit two million practice shots, so I ought to know what I’m doing.’

He reinforced his flexibility and rhythm by saying and feeling the word oily as he swung his golf clubs. The night before a tournament, he would replay the golf course in his mind so his body and mind were prepared through this mental discipline.

Our thoughts create our beliefs, our beliefs create our habits, and our habits create our lives. Our beliefs connect the thoughts that run through our experiences to form our conclusions. However, thoughts of others passed down to us as truths and accepted without examination create many of our beliefs. Unfortunately, many of these thoughts, truths, and beliefs do not align with our purpose for experiencing ourselves or our path to happiness. It has been more important for many to fit into this third-dimensional world, as uncomfortable as that has been, than to develop their truths and follow their own paths.

What are your beliefs about your golf game? Are you having beliefs based on your results? Wouldn’t you rather believe that you are a great player?

To change a belief all you have to do is question it. Questioning its validity creates doubt, and then you no longer have the support for it. There are beliefs that limit us, and there are beliefs that empower us. You are not your beliefs. You can change your beliefs anytime you wish. By challenging the truth of them, the outcome will change. Question the self-limiting thoughts you believe in. Believing in limiting beliefs keeps you from achieving your potential. Create doubt about your beliefs. Begin to affirm the positive instead of the negative.” 

Begin today to believe in the abilities you have seen in your play and that you can make even better. Success begins with belief. Visualize your success. Be creative. Enjoy using your imagination to create the golf game that you desire. Think out of the box. Balance your flow of energy harmoniously among your physical, emotional, spiritual and mental selves.

*Excerpts are from Chapter 11: Beliefs and Values; THE HEART OF GOLF, Access Your Supreme Intelligence for Peak Performances”

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To train your brain to play your best golf, listen to Positive Mental Imagery guided imagery CDs in the privacy of your own home, available at


Develop a Consistent Preshot Golf Routine Now

With spring fast approaching, now is the time to prepare for your return to the golf course. Since golf is in large part a mind game, mental skill practice can be done indoors in your own home. In addition to putting on a rug, visualization and mental imagery, developing a consistent preshot routine now would be a valuable skill to perfect.


Many factors make up a consistent round of golf, such as desire, realistic expectations, and confidence in your ability to perform well. Consistency comes from practicing your skills until you are confidence that you can execute the shot or putt. This applies to your mental skills as well. But physical practice is not enough. You must believe that you can do it time after time under all kinds of conditions. Mental conditioning is what separates the great players from the field.

A mental and physical routine is used in every sport to prepare the athlete to perform. It keeps the athlete engrossed in the moment, away from the pressure of the results. A good preshot routine is a series of actions designed to get the golfer total absorbed in the process of getting the ball to the target. It is a signal to the unconscious mind to get ready.

Athletes train their minds to do the same thing in sequence over and over until it becomes a habit so they don’t have to think about the routine or the physical activity. These preperformance routines are the maps that give direction to the brain and body. Without a consistent routine, the results will be inconsistent.

A preshot routine allows the thinking, analyzing brain to stop and attention to be focused on the process of reparation to hit the ball to the target. If you do not use the same routine before every shot, your brain is sending different messages to your body, which will then react with inconsistent results.

Every choice you make moves you closer or further away from the results you desire. Choose now to develop a part of your mental game that is necessary to prepare yourself mentally and physically to hit the best possible shot of which you are capable. If you are not using a consistent routine for every shot, you are missing a valuable asset to your game, especially on pressure shots and putts.

I like to think of the preshot routine as a series of actions that move you from behind the ball to the place over the ball where you are eager to swing. When you are concentrating well, you are not thinking. You are totally absorbed in the routine process of getting the ball to the target. When you use the same routine each time you have control of your thinking and send good messages to your body.

To play consistently you need to have a consistent preshot routine. Having the same routine on every shot enables you to play automatically by letting your trained skills take over. A consistent routine keeps your mind focused on the present moment. It sets you up for the automatic conditioned response. If you vary your routine from shot to shot, you can expect inconsistent results. You can program your mind so it is conditioned to do the same thing the same way every time as you approach the ball.”

*Excerpts are from Chapter 17: Consistency; “THE HEART OF GOLF, Access Your Supreme Intelligence for Peak Performances”

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To train your brain to play your best golf, listen to Positive Mental Imagery guided imagery CDs in the privacy of your own home, available at


Anger is an Emotional Golf Hazard

“What do you do when you get angry on the golf course?*

Because of the behavior that was acceptable in your early childhood environment, you can express anger in different ways. Road rage and throwing golf clubs are examples. Some golfers slam their golf clubs, some golfers verbally beat themselves up, some golfers cry due to the sadness of failure, and some golfers stuff the frustration deep down inside themselves.

In golf it is important to experience the feeling and then release the thought that connects with it as soon as possible so you won’t carry it over to the following holes. Blocking or suppressing the emotion only delays dealing with it. Usually we get angry because things don’t go our way. We feel afraid that we have lost control of the situation and feel unworthy.

To release the emotion of frustration of missing a shot, exhale forcibly and perhaps say a swear word to yourself, but not a self-incriminating word. Another way is to release the feeling by shaking your hands back and forth. This action will release the negative energy from your mind and body and return you to a calm, focused state.

How do you deal with a bad shot or a mental error?

Most players react with anger. Anger is only a temporary motivator resulting from a fear of failure or helplessness. Anger produces adrenaline, which causes the golfer to become overaroused and forget the skills so carefully practiced. The golfer then forces the game with power, strength, and aggression. The arousal level is boosted above optimum, and balance, rhythm, and thinking capabilities are lost. The golfer makes mistakes as a result. The angrier you get, the more mistakes you make, confirming that you really are playing poorly.

When you focus on your mistakes, fear of failing, or keeping your score going, your emotions can control you. It is best to release the anger quickly and then refocus on the next shot. Most champions stay calm in the face of adversity, forget about the mistake, and move on. Use your positive energy to prepare for the next shot instead of analyzing the error, which is not in the past. Reprogram your brain to forget mistakes by putting the situation into a delete file in your computer brain.”

*Excerpts are from Chapter 7: Emotions; “THE HEART OF GOLF,  Access Your Supreme Intelligence for Peak Performances”

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To train your brain to play your best golf, listen to Positive Mental Imagery guided imagery CDs in the privacy of your own home, available at


How can I have more fun on the golf course?

“Fun Happens in the Zone State*

Do you remember the very first time you hit a perfect golf shot? It probably went straight and far, but I believe the most enjoyment you received from the shot was the awesome feeling in your heart. The feeling was so powerful that you were hooked. You wanted to feel it again. You were totally connected to your whole being. The feeling could be analogous to when your newly born child or grandchild holds your little finger in his or her little fist, and you are hooked for life. You can never have too much awareness of what you are feeling and who you really are.

Being in what athletes call the zone means moving into total acceptance, total peace, total awareness, and total love. Then you are in the flow of the universe, being one with the All, the nirvana experience of indescribable ecstasy. Because there is always balance in the universe, you cannot stay in this state forever.

Balance occurs in the present moment. It is up to you to move through your process of going in and out of balance. Just like a gymnast on a balance beam, you may occasionally wobble or fall, but you can continue to find your balance. Knowing this you will seek to create the flow state again and again.

To be aware in the present moment means to access all your senses to experience yourself and your activity fully. When you are playing golf at your peak performance level, you are totally engaged in the process of making the shot happen exactly as you planned it. It is all within you. The outer physical shot is just a mirror of what is going on within, What you focus your attention on is what you hold dear to you and is then what you create.

Playing a game of golf in the zone state is like being totally engrossed in a spellbinding movie that has absorbed your entire attention. The result is that you are not distracted by anything outside of you. To be in the zone, you have to have relaxed concentration.

Just as a movie has a story line to hold your attention, your golf swing has a preshot routine to move your attention inside.

A movie uses music to heighten your awareness. In the golf swing, rhythm and tempo bring the feeling and balance.

A good movie holds your attention by triggering your emotions. You access your best golf swings by remembering the exciting feeling of fulfilling successful shots.”

*Excerpts are from Chapter 4: The Zone State; “THE HEART OF GOLF,  Access Your Supreme Intelligence for Peak Performances”

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To train your brain to play your best golf, listen to Positive Mental Imagery guided imagery CDs in the privacy of your own home, available at


Set Your Goals Now for a Summer of Successful Golf

“Create Your Golf Dreams* 

The motivation to excel in golf begins with a dream. For many golfers, their dreams started early in life when they caddied for a parent and fell in love with the game. For others, they realized when they were young that they had enough talent and potential to play. Their desired dream then was to be the best they could be. For a dream to manifest, you have to put action into it…or it is just a wish.

The best golfers in the world have an intense desire to be great, which is fueled by their childhood dreams of winning their first junior tournament, becoming a club champion, winning a college tournament, or winning the US Open. Their childhood dreams fuel the drive to practice and play day after day and learn as much as possible about the game.

Great young Tour players like Jason Day, Jordan Spieth, Rory McIlroy, Michelle, and Lydia Ko do more than just dream about being great. Without the energy and desire to fulfill the dream, it is only a fantasy. The dream is the kindling wood, and the desire is the spark that starts the fire inside you. To become great it is your responsibility to feed the fire to make your dreams become real.

Dreaming is like plowing a field and sowing the seeds. The farmer prepares the soil and sows the seeds. The farmer waters them and pictures the crop. The farmer loves being in some small way a part of the creation of the fruits and vegetables The farmer watches what nature can do with dirt, water, and seeds and allows the seeds to sprout and grow. The farmer doesn’t look and say, “Those seeds aren’t sprouting. I guess they’re never going to. I was foolish to think they would appear.”

When your dreams are of playing to your handicap in every round, hitting perfectly on every swing, or winning a tournament aren’t fulfilled, do you give up and say, ‘It wasn’t meant to be. I’m not good enough?’ Worrying is dreaming in the wrong direction. It is the misuse of your imagination.

With the fulfillment of your short-, intermediate-, and long-range goals, you can have success sprout in its time. Have you been impatient about your dreams? A farmer has an idea of how long it will take for the crop to grow. You don’t have any idea of how long it will take for your golf dreams to grow to maturity.

When you dream of fulfillment of a desire, you give it a life of its own. Picture your dream. Be the best dreamer you can be. Have fun with your dream. Enjoy it. Don’t belabor it. Don’t give it a time limit. Allow your dream to be fulfilled in its time. Just as dances have different tempos, so do dreams.”

For complete explanations of setting goals, link on to Get Ready for Success; Set Good Golf Goals, Newsletter January 2011 and Create a New Vision for Your Golf Game Now, Newsletter January 2013

*Excerpts are from Chapter 3: Goal Setting; THE HEART OF GOLF, Access Your Supreme Intelligence for Peak Performances”

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© PositiveMentalImagery 2016 – All Rights Reserved

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Understand Your Mind for Successful Golf

“Train Your Brain for Success*

By developing a complete understanding of how the mind works and how our universal laws operate, you will come to know and clearly see how important it is to be aware and conscious of your thoughts.

In any sport you must train your mind as well as your body. All movement in the body occurs as the result of a thought in your mind first. To understand what mental golf means, it is helpful to know how your mind functions. The law of attraction states: “Those thoughts that we think about most become their physical equivalents.” Or, in simpler terms, like attracts like. If you knew how powerful your thoughts were, you would never again speak a negative thought.

You have probably heard the popular saying: Golf is ninety-nine percent mental, and the other one percent is in your mind. While it may be humorous, the statement means playing to your peak performance by using your golf mind to maximize your physical abilities.

The Subconscious Mind Runs Your Body 

Scientists have shown that 95-98 percent of your life is beyond your conscious awareness and is stored in your subconscious. It is like Google or other search engines where all the information is kept in files.

Your subconscious mind has been described as the world’s most powerful computer. But your subconscious mind, like your computer, can only operate on the programming or software that is installed inside it. The information that comes out of the subconscious mind is exactly as it was put in. It doesn’t analyze, judge, or rationalize the information as the conscious mind does. Translated to golf—whatever you imagine, you are going to produce in your golf shot.

In simple terms, your subconscious mind is like a computer: GIGO (garbage in, garbage out). Whatever you program in, you will get out. When you send a request to the subconscious mind, it will automatically give you what you asked for. But if you begin to worry that it is not happening, you have then sent a new request, which will override the first one as it is filled with emotion.

Choose What You Desire to Happen 

Words create pictures in your mind. The pictures you create with your words, imagination, and visualization are recorded into your memory banks. This is the internal representation of your outside world. You can take control of your life and your golf game by choosing which thoughts you are putting into the data bank of your computer mind.

Dreams and hopes don’t become reality unless you use your energy to make them come true. The stronger your internal representation is of what you want, the easier it will be to produce the golf shots you want.

Remember to let go control of thinking; allow the subconscious mind to perform the dream pictures you have installed. The key here is not only relaxing your conscious mind but also your physical body so there is no interference to playing at your peak potential.”

*Excerpts are from Chapter 2: Understand Your Mind; “THE HEART OF GOLF, Access Your Supreme Intelligence for Peak Performances”

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 All royalties will be donated to Junior Golf!

© PositiveMentalImagery 2016 – All Rights Reserved

To train your brain to play your best golf, listen to Positive Mental Imagery guided imagery CDs in the privacy of your own home, available at