Improve your golf game during the holidays!

It’s the season of giving…

The Heart of Golf, Access Your Supreme Intelligence for Peak Performances”

 is now available just in time for Holiday giving!

All royalties will be donated to Junior Golf when you purchase it on


Have you ever been “in the zone” on the golf course? Have you ever felt in control of all aspects of your game with increased power, intensified focus, and mental clarity? Have you ever experienced being on automatic pilot as if someone else is swinging the golf club for you?

This new book guides you through the learning levels necessary to put you into this flow state of euphoria where peak performances occur without struggling, thinking, or effort.  It shows golfers how to trust and use the abilities that they have rarely exhibited but do know that they have. It is a player’s guide for developing your true inner self by returning to the joy and love of self instead of seeking praise and rewards from the outside world.

Adopt an attitude of gratitude today for your golf game

Today is Thanksgiving Day here in the US.  I would like to take this opportunity to thank you, the readers of my blog for your feedback, loyalty and support in my mission to help golfers have more fun playing golf and in the process score lower.  


“Practicing being grateful can lead to increased happiness and a feeling of well-being. Having a so-called attitude of gratitude on the golf course brings you into a higher vibration that moves you past any negative situation and attracts more of the best in your game. It is not about getting what you want. Gratitude is about accepting what you get.

Gratitude leads to lower levels of stress hormones.

Gratitude is a state of being. It is a feeling in your heart that can transform your thinking and your physicality. Being grateful is how you can balance the ups and downs in your golf game. Take the time to find the balance between your heart and your will to make things happen. Remember why you love to play golf.

If you are criticizing, you are not feeling grateful. If you are blaming, you are not feeling grateful. If you are complaining, you are not feeling grateful. If you are feeling anxious, you are not being grateful. If you are afraid, you are not being grateful. If you are in a bad mood, you are not feeling grateful.

Practicing being grateful can make you happier.

Studies show that practicing gratitude can increase your happiness levels by about 25 percent.

It’s easy to become negative when your golf game isn’t what you expect. If you have a tendency to look at your golf game with a critical eye and only notice what didn’t happen as you had wanted, it is time to look at the successes that you have had.

No golfer’s game is all good or all bad. When you play patiently without complaining, the miracles will multiply for you. Writing down what you enjoyed will bring back memories of the good times you had on the golf course. Be aware of how this makes you feel different.

Build your gratitude list with a sincere thank you for every compliment you receive from your golf partners. Golfers are known for ignoring a compliment because their ego tells them the shot wasn’t up to their perceived level of performance. Receive the compliment with gratitude for the gift that was given to you without judging the content or the giver of the compliment. In this way giving and receiving are the same, and both parties are rewarded with good feelings instead of bad ones. Your glass is then half full instead of half empty.

Be thankful for all your golf experiences. Success is getting what you want. Happiness is loving what you get.

Happiness is an attitude you can create in every moment. A key to feeling happy is gratitude. When you are thankful for whatever experience you are having, your whole being energetically opens to the possibility of feeling happy.

It is not happy people who are thankful.

It is thankful people who are happy.

Like every aspect of your golf game, repetition is necessary for success. Decide to spend time being grateful in every moment. The more you practice being grateful, you will develop an awareness of appreciating the small successes in your golf game.”

*Excerpts are from Chapter 12; Attitudes, “THE HEART OF GOLF, Access Your Supreme Intelligence for Peak Performances” now available on  All royalties will be donated to Junior Golf!

Play “in the zone” with Joan 

Entrain Your Heart & Mind for Peak Performances

© PositiveMentalImagery 2016 – All Rights Reserved

To train your brain to play your best golf, listen to Positive Mental Imagery guided imagery CDs in the privacy of your own home, available at












Turn Your Golf Game Around in the Off-Season

It’s the season of giving…

“The Heart of Golf, Access Your Supreme Intelligence for Peak Performances”

 is now available just in time for Holiday giving!

All royalties will be donated to junior golf when you purchase it on


Have you ever been “in the zone” on the golf course? Have you ever felt in control of all aspects of your game with increased power, intensified focus, and mental clarity? Have you ever experienced being on automatic pilot as if someone else is swinging the golf club for you?

This new book guides you through the learning levels necessary to put you into this flow state of euphoria where peak performances occur without struggle, thinking, or effort.  It shows golfers how to trust and use the abilities that they have rarely exhibited but do know that they have. It is a player’s guide for developing your true inner self by returning to the joy and love of self instead of seeking praise and rewards from the outside world.




How do I get into the zone on the golf course?

Fun Happens in the Zone State*

“Do you remember the very first time you hit a perfect golf shot? It probably went straight and far, but I believe the most enjoyment you received from the shot was the awesome feeling in your heart. The feeling was so powerful that you were hooked. You wanted to feel it again. You were totally connected to your whole being. The feeling could be analogous to when your newly born child or grandchild holds your little finger in his or her little fist, and you are hooked for life. You can never have too much awareness of what you are feeling and who you really are.

Being in what athletes call the zone means moving into total acceptance, total peace, total awareness, and total love. Then you are in the flow of the universe, being one with the All, the nirvana experience of indescribable ecstasy. Because there is always balance in the universe, you cannot stay in this state forever.

Balance occurs in the present moment. It is up to you to move through your process of going in and out of balance. Just like a gymnast on a balance beam, you may occasionally wobble or fall, but you can continue to find your balance. Knowing this you will seek to create the flow state again and again.

Playing a game of golf in the zone state is like being totally engrossed in a spellbinding movie that has absorbed your entire attention. The result is that you are not distracted by anything outside of you. To be in the zone, you have to have relaxed concentration.

Just as the movie has a story line to hold your attention, your golf swing has a preshot routine to move your attention inside.

A good movie holds your attention by triggering your emotions. You access your best golf swings by remembering the exciting feeling of fulfilling successful shots.

A movie uses music to heighten your awareness. In the golf swing, rhythm and tempo bring the feeling and balance.”

*Excerpts are from Chapter 4; The Zone State, “THE HEART OF GOLF, Access Your Supreme Intelligence for Peak Performances” now available on  All royalties will be donated to Junior Golf!

Play “in the zone” with Joan 

Entrain Your Heart & Mind for Peak Performances

© PositiveMentalImagery 2016 – All Rights Reserved

To train your brain to play your best golf, listen to Positive Mental Imagery guided imagery CDs in the privacy of your own home, available at








The new mental golf book has arrived!

The Heart of Golf, Access Your Supreme Intelligence for Peak Performances”

 is now available for purchase!

All royalties will be donated to junior golf when you purchase it on


Have you ever been “in the zone” on the golf course? Have you ever felt in control of all aspects of your game with increased power, intensified focus, and mental clarity? Have you ever experienced being on automatic pilot as if someone else is swinging the golf club for you?

This new book guides you through the learning levels necessary to put you into this flow state of euphoria where peak performances occur without struggle, thinking, or effort.  It shows golfers how to trust and use the abilities that they have rarely exhibited but do know that they have. It is a player’s guide for developing your true inner self by returning to the joy and love of self instead of seeking praise and rewards from the outside world.



Do you desire more control in your golf game?*

If you are feeling as if you have lost control of your golf game and your confidence is waning, it is time for you to look at your thoughts and beliefs. To be responsible for your thoughts, emotions and beliefs is to be responsible for your life and your golf successes. If you are not aware of what you are thinking and feeling, you have no self-control because you have no awareness. You are in control when you are aware of your thoughts. Then you can choose whether to act on them or not.

Having control of your thoughts and emotions all depends on your internal self-talk. It is up to you to choose whether you are going to enjoy the challenge of the game or get anxious and nervous over the pressure of trying to control the outcome. As Fred Shoemaker said, “When you take the evaluation and judgment out, what is left is awareness.”

Once you have the awareness that you create your internal world, you will realize that you can change it into productive thoughts. Your body learns what it is told to do. Learn to tell it what you want, not what you don’t want.

Control of the body is not done by force. Control is accomplished by becoming relaxed and imagining and visualizing what you intend. If you do not begin to control and use your brain, then someone else will either control your rnind for you or, worse yet, you just leave your mental training to chance. You need to control your self-talk and also filter out what you hear from others around you, including your friends, family, and coach.

The first thing to do is to determine what your mental stumbling blocks are. Take note of your limiting thoughts about the golf course or how you view your upcoming round. For example, you might think, “I worry about playing with others who are better than I am.”

Most golfers are intimidated when playing with better golfers. During the round they worry about what the better golfer might think of them and their golf game. This kind of thinking causes anxiety and a lack of mental and emotional control.

Decide what is under your control and what is not.

The way someone else plays the game is not under your control. However, letting go of worry and thoughts about someone else’s game is under your control.

Instead of dwelling on something outside of you that you can’t control, reframe it into a new perspective that will reinforce a positive focus on attaining your inner control. Anytime you determine that a thought is outside of your control, use it as a cue to give yourself a positive, constructive message where you can influence or control yourself positively.

*Excerpts are from Chapter 8, CONTROL; “The Heart of Golf, Access Your Supreme Intelligence for Peak Performances.”

Play “in the zone” with Joan 

Entrain Your Heart & Mind for Peak Performances

© PositiveMentalImagery 2016 – All Rights Reserved

To train your brain to play your best golf, listen to the Positive Mental Imagery guided imagery CDs in the privacy of your own home, available now at



Did you hear about the heart-centered golf book coming soon?

This little birdie is coming your way to show you how to strengthen your mental golf game through your heart so you can have more fun and score lower! The birdie will be announcing how you can purchase the new mental golf book, “The Heart of Golf, Access Your Supreme Intelligence for Peak Performances.”


Create a Positive Mental Golf Attitude*

Maintaining a positive attitude on the golf course is important because it directly impacts your performance. When your negative attitude is stronger than your conscious effort, you will not be able to manifest what you want.

Since early childhood, most of us have been taught values and resulting attitudes that have been framed in the negative. We are so used to expressing ourselves in the negative; it sometimes becomes impossible to think of a positive way of expression.

Are you an optimist or a pessimist? How does hitting a shot out of bounds or into a water hazard affect you? Pessimists internalize the mistake, believing the missed shots will continue and undermine their game. Optimists, on the other hand, believe that a missed shot is only a temporary setback or a challenging situation to overcome. Do you look for solutions or more problems? Do you put the missed shot behind you and continue with your positive strategy?

In aeronautics, attitude is the direction of the airplane in relationship to the horizon. Think of attitude in relationship to your goals. If you lean toward your goal, you have a positive attitude. If you lean away, you have a negative goal.

The bad news is that nobody can be positive 100 percent of the time and perhaps that is one reason why golf scores are inconsistent. The good news is that you can change your attitude, just as you can change any bad habit. Your attitude is your choice. The sooner you decide to choose how you will think positively about yourself and your golf game, the less anxiety you will have and the more you will enjoy your rounds of golf. Don’t waste your round of golf looking at half-empty glasses and making a victim of yourself. Make your round of golf the most enjoyable experience possible.

Tom Watson said it never bothered him to miss a green because one of four things could happen, and three of them were good:

  1. He could hole the shot from off the green or out of the bunker.
  2. He could hit it close and tap it in.
  3. He could it poorly and make a good putt.
  4. He could hit it poorly and miss the putt.

Watson’s attitude was that if you added up all those scores–a birdie, two pars, and a bogey–it came to even par. So if you practiced your short game, you had nothing to fear.

*Excerpts are from Chapter 12, ATTITUDES; “The Heart of Golf, Access Your Supreme Intelligence for Peak Performances.”

 Play “in the zone” with Joan   

Entrain Your Heart & Mind for Peak Performances

© PositiveMentalImagery 2016 – All Rights Reserved

Internal voices of fear deter golfers from success. Listening to the PMI “Fearless Golf” CD will consistently transform the voice of past fears and failures on the golf course into positive, empowering self-talk. Available now at

This little birdie has big news coming in your email soon!

This little birdie is coming your way to show you how to strengthen your mental golf game so you can have more fun and score lower! The birdie will be announcing how you can purchase the new mental golf book, “The Heart of Golf, Access Your Supreme Intelligence for Peak Performances.”


Fall is a wonderful time to play golf

Fall is a beautiful time of year here in western North Carolina. It is magical to see the green leaves reaching their peak colors of red, yellow and orange before they begin to fall to the ground. Fall golf always reminds me of looking for my golf ball in the piles of leaves. With the advent of the leaf blower that is no longer necessary.

Fall is a wonderful color painting of nature on a grand scale.  As the weather turns cooler the dog days of summer have been replaced and we have a renewed energy and a spring in our steps. There are fall street festivals in abundance here for enjoying the cooler sunny temperatures.

As the summer golf tournament season comes to a close, I hope you can enjoy your rounds of golf by taking in this beauty in the quiet of nature. Release all thoughts in your mind to give you a new perspective to see things that you had not noticed before.

Release all the self-imposed feelings of irritation, anxiety, apathy, hopelessness, embarrassment, guilt, failure, judgment, anger and limitation which are only fear thoughts arising from your ego thinking that put you on the defensive. Quiet your inner and outer minds by releasing the fears, behaviors and beliefs that keep you habitually returning to old ways of performing. Choose to play the game of golf with the passion you wish to experience.

Live your life fully. Experience your body joyfully and completely.

Enrich your spirit by knowing that you are enough and that you always have enough abilities and qualities to manifest your dreams.

Be fearless, be mindless, love, and be happy as you play your way around the golf course.

Play “in the zone” with Joan

Entrain Your Heart & Mind for Peak Performances

To train your brain to play your best golf, listen to the Positive Mental Imagery guided imagery CDs in the privacy of your own home, available at