Play Golf With a Quiet, Alert Mind

When you started out playing golf you probably had a different reason than you do now.

You probably were intrigued with the first shot you hit perfectly on the sweet spot that sent a warm, fuzzy feeling inside…. and you were hooked! Since then you have seen this ability many, many times and are addicted to finding it more often.

Somewhere along the way of learning to play the game you forgot about having fun and at times experienced:

  1. Paralysis by Analysis: paralyzed by constantly learning the mechanics of the swing, and
  2. Fearful Emotions: fear of failure, fear of what others think or feel, fear of making mistakes, stressful past mistakes, and
  3. Anxiety about your performance: frustration, negative self-talk, score, losing money, disappointment, comparison to others, pressure to perform, and
  4. Focus on limitations: self-doubt, unrealistic expectations, self-pity, defensive goals such as not making any big numbers.

Instead of the happy, fun thoughts and emotions that make you feel good; you became self-centered about your performance and forgot about playing the game.

When you play well, your mind is calm, relaxed, absorbed in the task of creating the golf shot, quiet, and free of any distractions. You are at ease, decisive in your pre-shot routine, focused on your target, have positive self-talk, positive imagery, and can access good rhythm and tempo.

Process vs. Outcome Thinking 

What is the belief pattern that influences your golf game? Are you process or outcome oriented?

If you are outcome oriented, you are mainly concerned with score, perfection, and winning. When a majority of your thoughts are on the outcome, your mental game will suffer and you will become frustrated with your efforts to play at your best.

If you are process oriented your main emphasis is on enjoying the game, having a quiet and alert “in the moment” mind. You accept all challenges relaxed and focused by playing one shot at a time.

To play at your peak performance levels, reduce your emphasis on the results of your shots. Focus your mental energies on making every shot of equal importance and giving each one 100% of your attention. Accept the results and play the game to the best of your ability.

Play “in the zone” With Joan

Entrain Your Heart & Mind for Peak Performances

To train your brain to play your best golf, listen to the Positive Mental Imagery guided imagery CDs, available at






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