A friend of mine called yesterday to tell me that he had just shot 75 which was his lowest career round. He said he wasn’t keeping score and although he knew he was playing well, he wasn’t aware of the numbers until the round was over. This is a good example of process-oriented thinking.
Focusing on the process means staying in the moment, concentrating on one shot at a time, thinking only about the things you can control. The process-oriented golfer knows he cannot control anything outside of himself. Process-oriented golf means thinking about what you want to do (the process of how to do it) versus worrying about where your shot will go or what will happen (the outcome of your score).
Focusing on results means that golfers think about the consequences of mis-hits and the trouble on the golf course. Their concentration then wanders to “what if” thinking which causes tension and anxiety and creates the mis-hit the golfer is trying to avoid. Examples of results thinking are: trying to shoot a certain score, better your lowest score, trying to hit a certain number of fairways or greens, trying to have a certain number of putts or trying to avoid penalty strokes.
It is the ability of the golfer to stay in the moment on every shot and putt that allows him to play at his peak performance level.
You are the only thinker in your mind. It is important in golf to decide to think in the present moment instead of thinking about the trouble or what might happen. The best way to shift from outcome to process thinking is by developing a consistent and easily repeatable pre-shot routine. (Why do I need a pre-shot routine? February 2009 PMI newsletter)
Additional tips for focusing in the process:
- Be aware when you are feeling anxious. It is a sign that your mind is wandering into outcomes.
- Refocus on your pre-shot routine. Pause, take a deep breath or two and begin your routine again.
- Make a decisive club selection and target.
- Visualize and feel the shot.
- Maintain your arousal level.
- Take a deep breath to relax before and after each shot.
- Relax your mind between shots.
Golf is a game that is played for the unlimited challenges that it provides. To play at your personal best means to play for the fun and love of the game. Choose to play for the challenge of each shot (process-oriented) and not let the pressure to perform for score (results-oriented) determine your round. The results can be enjoyed afterwards at the 19th hole.
Play “in the zone” with Joan
Entrain Your Heart & Mind for Peak Performances
Increase your ability to stay in the moment by listening to the PMI “Concentration for Consistent Golf” CD in the privacy of your own home. Available now at www.pmi4.com/cart
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