The Honda Match-Up; Rory vs. Tiger

The questions golfers are asking are whether Tiger can repeat his lowest 62 round finish ever, and if Rory can repeat his Honda Classic win this week at Doral.

 Both golfers showed their talent in different ways. Tiger’s “grip it and rip it” personality was evident in his two eagles (Big birds as he called them.) on the 3rd and 18th holes. His new game showed consistency as he hit 11 fairways, 14 greens and had 26 putts. Tiger did what he did best when he was number one in the world. He came from 9 shots back to shoot 62 with no bogies for a dramatic finish.

Rory played steady golf, showing his expertise in getting the ball “up and down” when he needed to. He made two clutch sand saves on the last four holes to save par. Instead of “going for” the green in two on 18, he played an easy wedge shot to the middle of the green for a 2-putt win from 35 feet. Amateur golfers need to take note of the stat that Rory missed 25 greens during the tournament and got the ball “up and down” 21 times adding credence to the golfers’ adage “It’s not how, it’s how many.”

Do you know which behavior you use on the golf course when you are under pressure?

As humans, everyone can be included in four basic types of behavioral tendencies. Everyone has some of each of the four basic styles but you probably have more of one type than the others. When you understand your personality type you can then consider the strengths and weaknesses specific to your style and relate your behavior to your golf game. Under pressure your strengths could become your weaknesses because you would probably use the behavior that makes you feel most comfortable.

The more you understand your own behavior patterns, the more you can adapt to the different situations that come up on the golf course. The less you understand, the fewer options you have. To determine how your personality style can affect your game under pressure, link on to the Archived PMI newsletters January 2004 to April 2004

Play “In the Zone” With Joan

Log on to the PMI website and Blog for more mental golf tips.

If you want to learn how to improve your mental game to score lower, and how to play on automatic pilot “in the zone” for your peak performances, contact Joan at  828.696.2547 for a free 15-minute consultation. Learn what is missing in your game so you can achieve the success you desire.




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