The key to success in all athletics is to practice, practice, practice! You have heard the statement many times that “practice makes perfect.” What is missing in that statement is that only PERFECT PRACTICE makes perfect.
The only place you can practice perfectly is in your mind. When you see yourself swinging the club smoothly, easily and effortlessly (in your unconscious mind), there is no need for the inner critic (your conscious mind) that judges your actions, your reactions, your results and you. Mentally rehearsing at an inner mind-level gives you that added edge; the winning edge. As you center your thoughts on what you want, you automatically center your actions.
Mental imagery is a mental technique where descriptive language appealing to the senses is used to benefit the listener. The imagination of the listener is used through suggestions for developing confidence in certain areas of their lives. Athletes as well as golfers use positive mental imagery in hypnosis to help them achieve their goals. Through the use of hypnotic suggestion you can communicate with your subconscious mind and program new ideas for success in your golf game. These new ideas must include positive self-talk, belief in your potential and goal, and imagery of a superior performance in accomplishing your goal.
The best time to do your mental rehearsal is at night just before you are drifting off to sleep, or in the morning when you are just coming out of the sleep state. Your conscious mind is relaxed and allows your unconscious to create what you want using your imagination. Or during the day, find a place where you can be alone and quiet. Spend 10-15 minutes a few times a week, sitting undistracted, relaxing by breathing deeply. Repetition is the key to becoming consistent. Mentally rehearse your swing and what you want to happen during your upcoming round. Scientists have found that visualizing while in this Alpha State can improve your swing because your mind is actually programming your muscles.
Step 1. Close your eyes and relax. On the movie screen in your mind, be an observer. Watch yourself as you play each shot, noticing the easy fluid swing, smooth tempo, confident manner, consistent routine, pinpoint accuracy, and improved scores on the first nine holes.
Step 2. For the second nine holes, become the player. Associate within yourself and feel your power, your confidence, your effortless swing, your consistent tempo and results, your connection with the target, and low score on each hole.
Step 3. Repeat the above sequence every night or morning, seeing and feeling yourself play every hole on your golf course. Program the scores that you want. Be ready to accept the low scores on the real golf course. Use your senses of feeling, seeing and hearing to observe the action. Play the round over and over and over again, each time making the images sharper, the sounds clearer and the good feelings stronger. See and hear voices congratulating and cheering you on.
You are what you think you are. You become what you see yourself becoming. Imagine that it has already happened.
Available at are self-hypnosis CDs created with powerful mental imagery suggestions to improve your confidence, concentration, control and consistency for a successful golf game.
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